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Wow is it just me or does anyone find it hard to watch the spirt i know he stands up for hunting rights but it hard for me to beleive in some of the things that come out of his mouth and the show tonight the camra shots were all over the place i thought i was going to be sick.
I struggle with the man's approach. I would not go out of my way to see him anywhere. With that said I am also glad he is not against us.
Yea, ol'Teds getting hard to watch. He supposibly moved from his Michigan home to Texas. It seems like all he does is hunt that YaHoo Ranch anymore. I went to see him several years ago speak at the Michigan outdoorama and he was pretty good but lately he has not impressed me much. I have heard more than one report that he needs the money. I think he is hoping Toby Kieth can help him turn it around with their concerts together
But like ironwood said, better to have him with you than against you.
I love watching his show for the entertainment value.
Watching him hunt a fenced ranch over bait piles got old pretty quick, though.
Happy Birthday Cooter!

I enjoy Ted for what he is...He cleaned up his act and enjoys legal hunting and I think he is genuine with a dash of "not quite right". He fights for what he believes in and I just can't fault a guy for those things. Now, would I participate or enjoy the type of hunting he does...no. But Ted is alright in my book as far as entertainment goes. Now I am going to go enjoy some juicy beautiful butterball backstraps...
"long live the beast"
Ted is alright he is a little off the wall but I enjoy watching him. He is a ethical hunter and stands up for our hunting rights big time.
I like Ted....just can't stand more than 10 minutes of his show at a time........unless his wife is hunting.

thatguysis my hero. Cocked locked and ready to rock doc. Have any of you read his books. they're good. you can tell he is a phsyco though! in his blood trails book he shot a ram at 125 yards in a bet. little crazy but pretty awesome!!
Somebody please name me 1 SINGLE more high profile, pro hunting, pro gun and pro sportmans rights spokes person.

It ain't out there.

Could production elements be better in his show? Maybe.

It shows REAL hunting. Kills and Misses.

No one person does as many interviews, writes more articles and is more passionate that Mr. Nugent.

Those who critize his message need to step up and attempt to spread the word that he does.
I will admit he is a loop and a half but he is for hunters rights in the truest sense of the word.I don't watch his show extensively because keepin track of what he is talkin about would challenge the foremost Psychiatrist.OPn the other hand if his wife is on I am there.I am glad the wife doesn't get on here.
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