Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

thanks buck hollow!


PMA Member
I bought a new '12 element last January. Shot A LOT this summer. Anyways the finish started coming off the limbs. I contacted Hoyt and they wanted me to take it back to scheels where I bought it. After they put the new limbs on it they couldn't get it paper tuned. After they tried for two hours and told me they got it as good as they could I took my bow and left. Still not happy, I took it from Jordan creek to Boyd at Buck Hollow. Dropped it off and after he was done in the field that night he took the time to fix it. Although it was hard to get on the same schedule as Boyd with him picking beans and want not, but he got me set up to where I can use it this weekend. Still have some fine tuning to do but at least its close...............Thanks Boyd!
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