Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Thanks Guys!!!


Bowhunting Addict
Hey I just wanted to give a BIG 'Thank you' to all you guys that have given me advise whether it be here on the forum or via Private messaging. I finalized my decision this morning and decided to go with the Matthews Switchback XT. It came down to it or the Bowtech Tribute. Bowtech's internal problems concerned me too much to go with them at this time. Also besides having no local Bowtech dealer without driving a ways helped to sway my decision. The local Cedar Rapids 'dealer' refuses to return my calls
This whole decision making process turned out a lot more difficult than I anticipated. Thanks again
My uncle just bought the Swithback XT and absolutley loves it. I am in the beginning process of wanting to get a new bow and have narrowed it down the the Swithback also. It will be interesting to hear how everything turns out for you. Keep us informed. Congrats on your new bow.
Glad you got it figured out cornfed, had I known you were having troubles with your CR dealer I'd have told you to go see my dad over by Maquoketa as he sells Bowtech as well... unless, of course, he's the one you had issues with.
Ghost,... I did shoot the XL... and I felt that it definately had less hand shock than the shorter model... but it felt much heavier. Both models have the same Cam... and it just is too harsh on the draw cycle for my liking. I am sure it probably shoots faster than the Switchback, but when I am sitting in that treestand for 8 hrs on a cold mid-November day I really desire a smooth draw.

Muddy,... Maquoketa isn't exactly local for me... my issues were with a guy here in CR that is suppose to be a dealer that is listed on Bowtech's website. Each time I would call I would always get voice mail... and he never returns my call

I really liked the manager of the archery shop at Scheel's in Iowa City... but I did not really want to drive 25 miles either. I have been very happy with the service her at CR with the G.O.T. sports.
Cornfed, didn't think it would be but my dad used to pull a lot of guys from the CR and IC area over to his shop... but that was 15-20 years ago.
Had I known you were having the issues I'd have drove you to the old mans' shop personally.
25 miles!?!??! i wish my dealer was only 25 miles from me. its almost 80! sure, there is a sprotsman's warehouse closer, but its worth the extra drive to look at a bowtech, and not have some clerk telling you about the "awesome AR" that he bought.

actually, it might be a good thing that the dealer is so far. i would have a new bow sitting at home by now...or maybe 2
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