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Thanks Iowa Great Call Not Voting 4 DEAN!



Guy's just want to THANK each of you for not voting for Dean. I am from Vermont and can tell you this person cost us 1000's of jobs raised taxes. Put millions into a train that no one wanted or needed , it was shut down soon as he left! He used tax payers money to buy 1000's ac of land then proceeded to stop us from hunting on it, ski-dooing,fishing , 4 wheeling basicly if you were not a tree hugger you could not walk on it...anti - loving loser! Please pass on the information this guy is just a power seeking HOT HEAD !! Thanks again.
Sorry for bring this post but had to make sure you all know how happy I was to see that he did not fool Iowa after all. The papers here had him with a big lead guess when you all got to hear him speak it did not take long for IOWA to see that he is a Misleading HOT HEAD that will only do things that are worth something to him. He is a COWARD & has no morals at ALL..
By the way did I tell you I don't like him. I have 100's of friends who are without jobs because he would not get a highway built that was already aproved the man who took his place after he left is already fixing many of these things. Our road is being built soon to late for many but it's being done. We can now hunt on that land we paid for but only because he is gone. Pray that N.H is as smart as IOWA...and that the Country is as smart as IOWA as well...
Vote D or R but don't put him in any office ! Thanks & promise to stick to huntN from now on.. THANKS AGAIN!
Some of you are correct, probably not the place for this discussion, I yanked my previous post. Go to www.nra.org. They have the voting records of all politicians, and those in the running so that you can make your own decisions regarding guns and hunting...
unfortunatly, money talkes in politics and he is the guy with the most money for the dems. plus he's got a 50 state orgainization. i'm hoping bush is safe this year. i think he will be. the real problem is 2008 and the idiot senator from NY...

While you are correct about this idiot senator from NY . This is a time to focus on the current times. We can not
make the mistake of over looking and taking for granted that just because these are loser that they will lose.
You follow football ask the Vike's what
happens when you feel you have won before the game is played.
I worry about the fact that a lot of
the voters will be fooled by these self centered and self adjenda setting morons. Rest a sured the USA will have no morals if this guys wins. The rest of you only need to look at VERMONT STATE to see how this high and mighty
self centered HOT HEAD has drop the morals of our state to the lowest of levels. It is to sick to place on this great web site just what this loser morals are ... Think and hope you all know what I'm talking about. It runs in his familly that's why he pushed it again because it was his personal adjenda NOT what the Voters wanted in VERMONT so don't let this anti, moral less , coward
in any office.
Just think if he gets in office the next time we get attacked he'll be on your TV with his arms around his brother and his brothers husband saying now folks we have to do a better job of understand these folks who continue to try and kill us . We need to TALK and of course if they don't talk we can just wait around while they plot again!
The only fighting or defending of anything these COWARDS do is with there mouth & $$$$$$ bad part most of that $$$$$$$ comes from you and me.
PS.. Hope you are all as smart when the
senator from NY runs. See her over the next 4 years and you'll be seeing the best of her as she set her self up for the big run and even seeing just the best of her while she trys so hard to not upset anyone her true colors will still seep through...
*Thanks Moosehunter & Iowa
Again Your State Is Not Just A Great Hunting State You All See right from Wrong thats what this election is about kinda simple if you have lived what these type cowards put you through.
Yes, NY sucks, taxes are high and it's full of politics, that's why outta 23 years living there I lived 1 hour south of buffalo and went there a few times to watch the sabres get beat. thats it. I had to get away from a disaster waiting to happen. This whole country is going to be a disaster if any off these idiots get into the ring. Do every thing you can to stop these idiots, its your livlyhood in thier hands.
Dean is an MD and he is for socialized medicine. What a freaking joke!!! When you get away from privatized medicine and move towards his ideas in medicine you lose quality care, simple as that. If you need prove just look what has happened over in England.
unfortunatly, money talkes in politics and he is the guy with the most money for the dems.

[/ QUOTE ]

Kerry makes Dean look like a street peddler. If you weren't aware, his ole lady is worth over $600 million. Look at the bottle of ketchup in your fridge...Does it say Heinz on it? Well that just happens to be her last name. Inheratance sure is a tough way to make a living and marrying money must make life that much harder!
Remember Democrats are or can be hunters too, and support Howard Dean. I thought this was a message board for the exchange of hunting ideas and experiences. I haven't posted untill now, but i've read almost all posts over the past 2 years, i like to come here to get away from politics. It's too bad that it has to be this way here. And there are also supporters of the senator from NY who also support hunting rights, and free enterprise. I don't think it's the best approach to denegrate certain political viewpoints in a thread that's supposed to be separate from that. I may be in the minority, but thought it necessary to say something in my most politely disagreable voice.
I'm a democrat hunter- wait that doesn't sound right does it? I'm a democrat, I'm a hunter. Bite my tongue but this type of discussion doesn't need to be here. That said, I'm always surprised at how the folks supported and financed by people able to pony up $2000 per plate for a lunch are able to identify with the "little people". I wouldn't vote for Dean either but to blindly follow the current "leadership" doesn't seem like such a good idea either. I don't feel safer, I can't say I'm doing better than I was 4 years ago, my tax "refund" was my money anyway that now will end up getting put on the backs of my kids with the debts being racked up. Maybe will will find Saddam's weapons on the moon or Mars, we've had alot of people killed because of a cowboy mindset. I'm done.
Trilobyte, I agree, I come here to exchange hunting Ideas and experiences. I like talking politics on this site about as much as I like talking about the anti-hunting, tree hugin, veg heads. Sense you brought it up, I have no problem with people denegrating certain political view points that come from those who are out to ruin my persuit of happiness (hunting and the enjoyment of). To say that your party supports hunting rights is BS. Your party supports things like the Endangered Species Act of 1973 which reciently added a rodent (prarie dog) to the threatened species list.
Is'nt it strange that you have been on this site for two years reading everything and only now do you have a opinion. You appear to be more of a watchdog for the democrits than a proclaimed upland hunter. Remember there are more democrits hugin trees than there are hunting. Thats all I have to say in my most polite disagreable voice.
Hunt on All4s
I think that if todays Democrat got everything he wanted you wouldn't be a hunter! If JFK was running against Bush, he(JFK) would be the Republican. The party and the country is moving too far left.

As far as Dean, I wish he would win and run against Bush. He's a sure loser.

Remember, we brought down Russia with a cowboy. Peace with power. I wonder how many lives will be saved with Bush's stance on partial birth abortions?
Don't consider myself a democrat or republican. I just support the person I believe is the best choice. Didn't know democrats were typically anti hunting? I see that John Kerry spent some time bird hunting while campaigning in Iowa. I think that says a little about his values.
I can understand why some of you guys dont want to talk politics on this forum.
I propose another forum titled accordingly for other issues that revolve around non-hunting issues. I think it is very important for hunters to be able to discuss politics and other life issues b/c they are all related in some form or another.
what do you think ONECAM.
River bttm boy,
During the mid-terms, I received a flyer from our very own Tom Harkin. He was standing in the pic on the front holding some pheasants and a double barrel. I think thegeneral has the right idea...go to the NRA website and see how he votes. The NRA is one sided but the vote don't lie!
As you debate this, remember, game laws,hunting regs, out of state land owners and on and on, are all tied to politics. If you don't like the topic don't click on it!

I found something I have in common with Howard Dean...stick a fork in me, I'm done.
after so many posts i coudln't help but click on here...here's my views on politics...

ignorance is bliss.
Politically, I am about as conservative as a person could be. However, I don't come to the IowaWhitetail site to get another round of political views. I come here to read and share deer stories and thoughts. Yes . . . politics play a part in hunting. But the thrust of this site is not politics. Be informed, and get involved, but please be aware that other hunters may not share your views. And even if they do, they don't necessarily want to see the 'enemy' get bashed. Kat . . it may be time for another group hug.
Debating politics via an internet forum is futile and more times than not ends in negative tones - case in point. Creating a specific forum for politics may just be a spawning ground for these debates - I don't think that would be an asset to the site. Do you???

However - I would encourage the discussion of specific bills and legislation that will impact our hunting and it's future. These topics/discussions along with other general hunting topics seem to be right at home in the Iowawhitetail Main Conference.

Take care
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