Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Thanks Shovelbuck


Well-Known Member
Hey Jay,

Just wanted to say thanks for the awesome knife. I couldn't possibly do justice to it with a pic so I copied yours from the original selling post. Anyone who is interested in one of Jay's knives I highly recommend it. The craftsmanship is phenomenol on both the knife and sheeth and it is very very sharp. Probably something that I should just use as a display because it is beautiful but I am going to put it to use this fall. Thanks again buddy.


No doubt you make some beautiful stuff Jay. I may have to own one of those someday. You'll have to throw some pepper jelly in the deal though ;)
Same here:way: Just got my knife yesterday. Have been showing it off like a prized jewel. Agree mine should also be for display but I dont believe in that :).

Awesome craftsmanship Jay looking forward to my next one. :way:




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Shovelbuck knives are one of the reasons I can't wait to get my shoulder fully rehabbed and get after next fire season out here!
I have a few knives from Jay as well as a sheath he made to replace my Dads old busted sheath. Not sure where pics are at the moment but I've done nothing but use the knives and plan to keep on doing so.
Great looking knives.....I too have some knives from Jay but they aren't built by Jay :(
Some day though!
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