Team Haastyle
Host of Haastyle Hunting
Going into this past gun season in Wisconsin I was questioning if I would even get a shot on a trophy buck. The first weekend proved that theory as all I seen were yearling and two year old bucks, along with one mature buck that decided he wanted to stay just out of my muzzleloader's range. I went back to work for the next three days with my head down. As wednesday approached, I switched my mood back to telling myself that I WILL put a big buck into the dirt. As Thanksgiving morning light came and lit up the fields I was thinking about what I was going to do in my food plots next year as I then noticed a doe zig zagging through a prairie field. As she crossed the field I seen another deer behind her. It was a buck!!! I put up the T/C and scoped him out and put the gun back down, as it was only a two year old eight point. As I watched the deer head into my marsh I heard several low grunts coming out of my woods. Out popped a tall mature buck!!! As I seen the big rack and body it didnt take me long to pull up the Omega, cock the hammer back, and let a bullet fly. The big ol buck took off back to where he initally came from. As I watched him tear through the woods I seen him do the "death run" (digging into the ground and chest barely off the dirt). I knew I smoked him and figured him to be a big tall ten I was hunting all season. I got down after thirty minutes to check for initial blood....nothing! Knowing where I last seen him I went to that spot and noticed something bright white in the woods. I quickly walked up to the spot to just figure out the white spot was part of a dead hickory tree. With my hopes crushed I turned to the right to head back and noticed something in the woodline. A DEAD DEER WITH A TALL..TALL RACK!!! As I approached the buck I then knew it wasnt the ten point named "Krueger"... It was indeed a buck I called "The Ghost" (due to getting only a single creepy looking photo of him). I am so happy to get a nice mature buck like this and look forward to seeing him up on the wall! Definitely a great animal to give thanks for on Thanksgiving Day :way:
Pictures below (sorry for the no smiles...I defnitely was happy, dont have those pictures on my computer at work :grin
The buck I thought I shot "Krueger"
Here is "The Ghost"... the buck I took out
Pictures below (sorry for the no smiles...I defnitely was happy, dont have those pictures on my computer at work :grin
The buck I thought I shot "Krueger"

Here is "The Ghost"... the buck I took out