Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

thanx to all of you!!!!!


i am a new member on this site and would like to thank each and every person on this site! the reson i want to thank you is because i am going through a very hard time in my life and have been for a about 6 months. 6months ago my father was diagnosed with small cell lung cancer and it spread from the lung to the liver. the chemo took all of the cancer out of the lung but did nothing for the liver. and just 12 days ago my father was told he would have only 2 weeks to live. my dad and i have a passion for deer hunting like you would not believe and he has taught me so much. i have so many deer hunting stories that i could write a million books. the hardest thing for me is i'm not going to be able to get up early in the morning next fall and winter and say come on dad let's go hunting. sure i have other family members but none like my dad. during all of his chemo and crap when he was unable to talk or was just too sick i could come to this website and read all of your deer hunting stories and just talk deer and it was kind of a medicine for me. i love talking about deer hunting and telling deer hunting stories as much as i enjoy actually doing it! so now that i am on this sight i feel i can tell stories and talk about deer as if i was carrying on my dads legacy! my dad's 2 weeks is up in 2 more days on feb.11 which is my birthday. SO TO ALL OF YOU ON THIS SIGHT I WISH I COULD TELL ALL OF YOU HOW MUCH YOU HAVE DONE FOR ME AND HOW MUCH YOU ALL MEAN TO ME(even though i don't even know you)!!!!!!!!ONE AGAIN THANX FOR ALL THE HELP AND KEEP THE DEER TALK AND STORIES COMING!!!!
same thing i thought when i came aboard, sorry to hear about the things that are going on in your life things happen for a wierd reason sometime i wish you the best and spend as much quality time as you can, time you have left.

the moose
thanks moose!hopefully i can get the picture of his biggest buck on here! it was an 8 point scoring 172". i know it might not have a lot of points but it takes a lot of bone for an 8 pointer to score 172". can't wait to share it, hopefully i can get it on here soon!
172 is a bunch out of a 8 point frame. cant wait to see it.

the moose
actually i have some pictures of some bucks that i have taken to put on here to. also some kick a$$ trail cam photo's!
cool check out the rondezvoo thing too, i am a new member and will be attending that sounds cool all of the members here get together and horse around sunds like a trip

the moose
Im very sorry to hear that splitg3, your dad sounds like a great guy!! you have to remember all the great times you two have had together and all the great memories in the field while hunting, i know what you mean about this site, it gets me through the pressures of college everyday
SplitG3, I'm sorry about your father and his battle with cancer. As long as you keep his memories in your heart he will never be gone. My prayers are with you and your family.


thanx liv4rut and rackaddict i really appreciate it! and to liv4rut what in the world do you guys feed those iowa whitetails? STEROIDS? i thought our deer here in ohio were somewhat as close to the size of ya'lls deer. i mean i see about 4 or 5 140 to 160 bucks each year and you get a glimpse of one each year that might go 180 to 200. our deer here ain't nothing but spikes to ya'll!
in the wind hes still alive a classic quote from ted nugent that i hold true and dear to my heart every time i go out my prayers and sympathies to you and your family. he will be there for all of things in your life

the moose
hey rackaddict? i once worked with a construction company from missouri called OCCI. ever heard of them?
I lost my father in 97'. Our last time together out of the hospital was during the 96 Shotgun season. He was in the last stages of cancer and loved to hunt, trap and fish. We had a lot of good memories and I still do. It took me 5 years after he died to start back into trapping. He and I ran alot of traps together and I was hard for me to do it by myself. The only thing I can say is to keep the memories alive and share them with who ever will listen. I have a two sons now and my oldest is seven and loves to hunt, trap and fish. If you don't have any children find someone who you can hunt and talk to until you can deal with your lose. Remember the good times, because it will help you get thru it. Keep your head up and my prayers are with you and your family.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. My Dad and I hunt as much as we can together and I am thankful for every day we spend together. Keep the thoughts fresh and remember them forever and your Dad's spirit will be with you.

Limb Chicken

I can't imagine what you are going through right now. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family. Keep doing what you loved to do together and cherish the memories and he will be forever with you.
Dad's and son's have a certain bond that's special. Dad's and son's that share hunting adventures have that extra little something. I'm glad you find some solice and relief here among friends. Even though many of us have never met we feel like we know each other. My heart and prayers go out to you and your family. Be strong....
SplitG3 may God be with your father and your whole family. You will all be in my prayers. Welcome to our web home.
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