Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

That's it!!!!!

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Well-Known Member
Oh, I just went of the handle this is not cool! Look at my last thread http://iowawhitetail.com/forum/showthread.php?t=36284

Well, it happend again! We put up new posters and someone took them down! I saw them in our field today chasing deer but my parents wouldn't let me call the cops! I'm so sick of it next time I see there truck out there I'm going to get on the phone quick and call the cops I'm tried of it! Errr! They have taken this to far!
Don't take this the wrong way, but your folks need to sack up and tackle this issue. I'm glad it angers you because it should and people that do that kind of stuff uninvited simply cannot be allowed to do so with zero consequence. Keep at it, bud.
Get em man they are making eveyone else look like bad people. I would call the Game warden and tell him the issue and he will more than likely just patrol your area more
U have a gift with how easy these guys r making it to bust them. If u don't do anything about it and prosecute- aint nothing gonna change and there's no sense in griping. This is totally in your court now to take care of this or continue to get "walked on'
being that your young, the video camera and game warden are probably your best best. The rest of us would probably fire warning shots ;P
Call Te Law! Run out there with a length of chain and a paddle lock! Lock them in there until they arrive!
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