Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

The best locker you've ever used!?


New Member
It's been my experience that some lockers have lost a little of their quality in processed venison over the last few years. I'm guessing maybe they are just getting overwhelmed with the amount of deer that comes in now? Seems the quality of their sausages and other is suffering.

I'd like to try some new lockers. Would appreciate it if you guys that are very happy with your lockers..... could PM me the name of them.

Preferably lockers East of I 35.


Dayton Meat Products-Malcom (just off I-80)
State Fair award winning products.
Talk with Bill or Dave
Do more then process deer......Cajun Bacon is excellent.
I have to agree with Rudd. Dayton meat products is by far the best I've used. Not only for quality, but also for service, price, and turnaround. I do believe they only take boned out meat, but well worth it!
Our group takes a half dozen hind-quarters over to Dayton's every year to make dried. It's great on sandwiches with some mustard or for making gravy.

Dayton's is the best out there. And, yes, you have to bone your deer out before you show up. While you're there get some bacon...any bacon!
River - I just got mine back from In'd Velts in Pella. I am very happy with the results. Only took one week to get everything processed and back to me. i would recommend them to anyone. You get your own deer back, and they have a very nice clean facility.
Good Luck
It is hard to beat the ring bologna and some of the other processed meats that the Charlotte Locker makes. They have a good variety of options. They only take boneless frozen deer meat for a short time after the end of the year. Unlike most places, I think that you get your meat back instead of your meat mixed in a big batch with everyone elses deer. I would suggest that you give them a try and I think this is a place a little closer to where I think your home is.

I'll probably give Daytons a go. Are they East of Des Moines? Thinking I could drop off my scraps on my way out to an IBA meeting.
I took my Bear meat to Boyd's Sausage Company In Washington,Ia and had it made into ring bologna. I picked it up and it has to be the best bologna I've ever had. I have people asking me for rings of it after they taste it. The owner suggested cooking it on the grill, I tried it and it is fantastic. I know they ran my meat individually and the turn around was about 2 weeks.
I'm with tracker, but I've never gone anywhere but Boyds. They have a good choice of everything. Ring bologna, jerky
and just about anything you can think of.
how about west of 35? i've got some all boned out, just begging to be made into summer sausage and ring balogna, both with jalepeno cheese, of course
Locker in Dedham,Ia.Only place my Dad will take a deer.Great bolgona,sticks whatever you want.Dedham is south of Carroll.No ph#
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