The birthday boy & bird!!


Well-Known Member
Happy Birthday to me,
I set my blind 'neath a tree.
I clucked 6 times on my mouth call,
And a 27 lb gobbler got shot by me.

Fore score and 26 years ago I was born. Today at 11:50 I took my best bird with a bow to date. He weighed 27 pounds, has a 10 inch beard, and 1 1/2 inch spurs. Happy?? Elated!!

Gotta tip on some birds but they were on public ground so I gritted my teeth and gave 'er a whirl. Set up when I hear someone shooting a .22 rifle. I'm thinking, I've been here 5 minutes and that starts?? Not 5 seconds later a herd, not a flock, but a herd of 20 hens nd 5 toms are running towards me. I belly crawl back to my blind and throw everything in it. After a while the birds are in a draw and I can't see them. Then a lone hen comes across the field. 5 minutes after that I see a lone gobbler about 200 yards away across the fence and in private ground. I clucked 6 times, he broke strut, and I didn't see him for 10 minutes. Next thing I hear is TOOM-TOOM-TOOOOOM!! Drumming. I peer out of my blind and finally notice a red head next to the woven wire hog panel fence. Thinking the bird would never come through it I dont' call and hope for the best. Birthday present #1, he comes through some broken part. At 40 yards I remember I'm hunting and finally knock an arrow. 2 minutes later I'm at full draw on him at 30 yards. Birthday present #2, perfect release and he is flopping around. I stuck another in him for mercy and walk up to him. His leg is almost off...I believe in expandable broadheads on turkeys now!! About this time the noon whistle blows in a town to the south. How many guys were back home or in a bar eating lunch at that time?? Anyway, I just wanted to share the story and here's the picture, my first "limbhanger" with a bow, and I did it on public land.

Not only do Iowawhitetail shirts look cool to wear around but they work really well inside blackened out DoubleBull blinds also!!

Equipment: Hoyt RazorTEC, GoldTip arrows, 75 gr. Rocket Miniblasters, DoubleBull blind...and last but not least the only mouth call I could find, a $4 single reed HS call. =)


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Congrats on the 'limbhanger' Muddy

Thought you might of used a "Sledgehammer" on your gobbler when you mentioned cutting clear through the leg....anyhow, gotta love them Rocket's on turkeys.
TwoBeards - negative on the heavy for me!! This is the first time I've ever used anything but a Muzzy. I wasn't impressed with the penetration, only about 7 inches and it backed back out. I'll still use them on turkeys but am not convinced that they'd work on a deer as well as my Muzzy's do. Damn, only half hour and my birthday is over.
Congrat's on a great story and a great bird. I've been thinking about the camo deal and have decided that the typical leafy, camo pattern is great outside the blind but a black shirt, hat, face mask and gloves would be great inside.

Old Buck
Hey Muddy!


Hey and that was me over there shootin' the .22...just trying to help you out! Looks like it worked too! Kidding, of course!

Hey, again, congrats!

Thanks guys, though it was a short hunt I feel like I was blessed that day. Rarely does a person go in and set up on public ground and "get lucky" within 40 minutes. My wife may not have gotten me anything for my birthday (other than the house
) but the good Lord sure didn't forget me!!

OneCam - I wasn't out celebrating because I'm too old for that sorta thing now, besides, this week I'll be taking a road trip to LaCrosse for a 3 day Big River conference and wanted to be ready for it.
LaCrosse, a perfect town that has wonderful adult

OldBuck - You're right on the money with wearing dark inside those blinds. DoubleBull has actually put out what they affectionately call "NinjaGear" which is all black clothing to wear in the blind, they even have bowcovers. I actually had on a hooded sweatshirt which eliminates the need for facepaint, just thought the picture would look better with the Iowawhitetail shirt!!

pharmer - I'm not sure, will talk to my wife and find out when she wants to have you over. You know how it goes, gotta ask permission before ya try anything!!
I do know she wanted to try doing some crab legs up, you guys still have that big cooking pot?? Raven, you interested also?? Might as well have a Maquoketa
convention while we're at it!!

Limb -
i used glue

raven - Thanks and congrats to you as well. Was wondering how your season was going for you. You end up finding any more sheds after we last talked??
What do you mean she didn't get you anything but the house?! You had better thank the Lord that you found someone that would put up with you, the turkey is an after thought.
By the way, Happy Birthday.

As far as the Ninja gear mine is composed of a black shirt or fleece and the original Iowawhitetail hats. I took a marker to the white logo (I wonder if anyone else has thought of that???. OneCam??). If it is really bright out I have a pair of black gloves I wear.
Limb - True enough, like you, I found one that'll look past all the weird stuff and stick with me, I suppose that'll be a good 'nuff gift!!

I almost blackened out the Iowawhitetail hat logo but didn't at the last minute since I have that black Trophy Ridge hat. That and I wear a dark hooded sweatshirt which eliminates the need for a hat. The black gloves are a must if it's bright out or if the skeeters are bad. I even went so far as to use black marker on the front of my sight and ALMOST put black electrical tape on the bow, but since it's only a month old I didn't.
I think I'm gunna cobble together some sort of elastic black bow limb cover (i know i'll regret this) "thingy" for use in the blind.