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The birthday slaughter


PMA Member
Well I went out to celebrate by killing some fish and having a few cold ones with some good friends and ended up having a pretty good night, despite the fact that it was about 40 degrees out

Anyway, I shot about 35 fish in 5 hours, mostly common carp with a few buffalos and drum mixed in. And one gar with a broken back that was more of a mercy killing. We did see a MONSTER flathead that almost got an arrow stuck in it. Oops?! Definitely over 50 lbs. Good thing I already had an arrow in a buffalo when the biggun cruised by. I hate accidentally shooting catfish.


Crippled shortnose gar...
No, I sink em and let the snappers smoke em.

The gar I keep, normally. The buffalo goes to a friend, and the carp go to the bottom of the lake. We run out to the middle of the lake and open them up and make sure we puncture the air bladder and then toss em in. Don't want em washing up on shore and giving bowfishers a bad name. I don't know if that is legal to do in Iowa, but that is what my local CO told me to do since our regs are a little vague. They just say to properly dispose of the fish.

I've never eatin drum before but was told they are good eating so I may keep a few next time and find out for myself.
Drum ain't bad. Me and a buddy cooked some up one time a long time ago. Tasted like fish to me.
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