Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

The boss is dead!


PMA Member
This year was the first time in 13 years of turkey hunting that I hadn't been able to get out and do some pre-scouting before turkey season. I've been working a lot and then had drill all weekend. I figured I would head to a spot that usually always holds a few birds and thought I would just "wing" it and see what happens. Yesterday, nothing gobbled until about 0550. I set up on the lone gobbler on a field edge and he managed to evade me by flying down into the woods down a ridge and across the water. I left without chasing him because I knew I couldn't make it down that ridge w/o him seeing me. I made a game plan last night and got out there super early this morning and set up where I knew that gobbler went yesterday morning. Turns out, there was another one in there that I ended up setting up on within 30-40 yds of the tree he was roosted in. He only gobbled twice, once when he shock gobbled to my owl hoot and once more before he flew down.. He was spitting and strutting the whole time in the tree. I figured everything was going perfect and actually was thinking that a deer or something would probably mess my hunt up. 10 minutes later, 8 deer came in and were standing right under the tom and looking at me and stomping. Most of them ran out of there, but it didn't seem to bother the boss too much because he dropped right down in-between two deer that were still standing there. The deer boogered out when he hit the ground. He strutted once for a couple seconds. He was down in a little wash out at 33 yds., I did one little soft yelp, he stuck his head up and WHAM! He was on the ground for a total of probably 15 seconds before I shot.. I love it when hunts go like that.


10.5 inch beard
1 broken spur measuring 1 inch
1 spur measuring 1 3/8 inch

WOOOHOOOOO!!! He's a fatty!



Congrat's on a dandy bird. Hopefully you didn't have to carry it too far, that hoss could put a strain on the back.
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