Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

The Bushnell Boys


PMA Member
Love the new Bushnell, these boys seem to also!
Did you have it set at 8 megapixels? Looks like it. I can't wait to get a few of these out on some trees.:way:
I've been using the 5 megapixel setting with good results, got close to 2,000 photos & the batteries are still going strong.
got close to 2,000 photos & the batteries are still going strong.

HOLY CRAP!! :eek:
Are you using the "Trophy Cam"?
If so I need to start buying those 'cause my battery bill for the ones I've got now is gonna put me in the poor house!
Yes it's the Trophy Cam. This is the 5th different camera I've used & by far the best. Batteries are suposed to last close to a year. I spent enough on batteries in the past to pay for the camera!
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