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The easy way to a Wallhanger


The Hood

Why is it that many in Iowa take the easy way?
You know, spotlight & rifle

Then they claim they used a bow and arrow while they're bow has never been shoot or even sighted in..

when you talk about these kind of people the general public just says, We have to many deer and don't even care about how a wallhanger got taken nor think about it.

while all along the spottie's are hanging our dreams......

I think a lot of that goes on in S Iowa. I was bowhunting for a few days by Albia and heard rifle shots right at daybreak and dusk. I was also in my stand once in Tama Co and a truck drove up to my field shined a light and shot. There was a pause and then I heard the door slam and they sped off. I contacted the DNR and they never found them. There were a couple deer in the area left in fields with no heads. I feel lucky now that I wasn't shot that day.
Thats when you hail mary an arrow toward the truck
No just kidding sure would like to though. Those type of people do tick me off.
Yeap, A guy down the street got a nice 18 pointer, Put the lights right on him and 30.6 him. He's real proud of that deer. He carries his bow tag in his gun case and leaves his bow at home because he never took the time to learn to shoot it. Word has it that he took around 16 deer last and he got busted by a LAND OWNER last sunday starting his season all over. The land owner said it was a little early in the year to be shinning, I guess that meant that next month it's okay shine on his place.............
Trust me, if a difference is gonna be made it will be made by us. There is a lot of good 'ole boys that load up the gun and a case of beer and kill more than an evening. I don't even waste my time going to those corner bar big buck contests cause they aren't anything more than a poachers beer banquet. Last year I had the TIP sticker peeled off my window while Shredder and I were eating breakfast at McDonalds. Must have ruffled somebodys feathers. I guess all we can do is speak up when we here others talk about the shady stuff they are doing. I know I do and there are several folks that don't like me for it. But hey, if you can't stand up for what you believe in, what good are ya? I used to get pretty down with how some hunters were till I met some folks on this site. Found out that there are some good, honest, ethical hunters out there after all.
It's hard to catch a head hunter after the bow tag is applied. But I will keep an ear open and maybe hear when they got a few to many untaged deer hanging and call Mr. Clayton (My DNR MAN) Yeap, I think this year these two shinners will see Mr. Clayton when he can do his work without no hear-say.
I posted this last year.

I have the local 4 CO's cell numbers plus thier home numbers in my cell phone book. Also have TIP number plus 3 county sheriffs offices just for good measure. The CO's have a much better chance of busting someone during or right after an incident, rather than a few days later. I had an officer tell me he would prefer to get a call and rush to investigate and find legal activity than get a report 3 days later about someone doing something wrong.
I find it amazing how some guys kill a 170 inch plus buck every year the first week of October!

I am in no way pointing a finger at those of you that really are that good!
People see dead deer laying around and the head is gone and they know it has been shot it gives all "real hunters" bad names.

Another problem is carcasses dumped in ditches after butchering - I have seen it where the "hunter" left his tag on the deer, so the dnr gave him a ticket for it.

TIP is the way we can fight against the criminals
I don't even waste my time going to those corner bar big buck contests cause they aren't anything more than a poachers beer banquet.

[/ QUOTE ]

We have a measuring night and an awards banquet. My 200" bucks woild have been a shoe in for muzzleloader but don't take them and don't enter them, nor will I enter the one I shot last week. There are way too many guys who live and die for that trophy and spend the whole month of Novemeber driving around looking to get a shot at something of the truck hood. Then half of them sneak it home untagged and continue on. I wonder sometimes how many bucks some guys kill a year in their quest for the stupid trophy.

Ghost, I have only got lucky in October 3 times. I hope you're not pointing fingers at me.
Hey hood send me a private and let me know who it is so I can keep and eye out. I work the SW area quite a bit and would be quite interested in catching this #$%$.
This is becoming more prevalent every year. I too have "Operation Game Thief" (Kansas program)programed on my cell phone. The land owner I do most of my hunting on said if I see any shady activity to call him first and he'll be there in a heartbeat with the sheriff. On a sidenote, I know this is hard to believe but an acquaintance of mine shot a decent 8-point this morning and seconds after he made the shot and the buck disappeared he heard a rifle shot. Minutes later he found the buck with the arrow still in it. It also had been rifle shot in the hind-quarter. He never found out who made the shot, the guy probably split as soon as he realized what had happened. This happened 3/4's a mile off the road and no one else has permission to be on the land, not to mention rifle season is still a month and a half away. My buddy was quite understandably steamed, his first buck with a bow...
baggin' bucks - no, since he found the deer and no sign of the shooter he didn't call, he did inform the landowner though who wasn't at all happy about it and said he'd keep his eyes open...
Trooper, Ill help, you can bank on them (2) having a garage full at the end of bow season, you can smell it a block away, yeap, they hang'em and forget to butcher them. They was braggin on there 18 pionter they got last year, with that one little hole in the neck, you say they can get prove out of that????

I may have to find out where he is getting spottie mounted at. all I know is the guys first name, but I know where he live and I don't like him
Unfortunately there are alot of these creeps out there. George Watters made headlines a couple years ago because he had poached a bunch of big bucks. However, he was poaching in a good area, and I'll guarantee you that there are people like him in your areas too. I know of at least 3 guys locally that have an unnatural number of big racks, not mounts, just racks. Coincidentally, all have numerous convictions as well.
Thanks to some phone calls, one of them got busted last week again. Make the call.
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