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The Friget Scores


Active Member
Hey guys, The Friget and I went out tonight for awhile and had an exciting hunt. First we sat down where the Supertec Episode took place and just waited for one to gobble. When the first bird gobbled a long ways away, we dropped down the huge ravine ran up the next and up the next huge ridge. I knew a good spot to set up there on the edge of some fairly open multiflora rose pasture. We sat for awhile and called and heard nothing. Finally we heard a gobble down in the bottom about 200 yards away. We called a bit and then he gobbled half the distance, we knew we were in for a show.

The gobbling kept getting closer, we didn't even have to call, he was hooked. There was a little ledge inbetween us and him. We could hear him strutting, drumming, spitting and gobbling. That's when Matt shook my hand and said, "Thanks for setting me up on this bird, it's all over now". I was a bit hesitant but the bird starting circling towards the opening and he couldn't be more than 40 yards gobbling his head off. Finally I saw him, as he proceeded the the left and came into a opening Matt put him down for the count with the ole mossberg.

It was a truly awesome hunt, the kind like you see in the movies. The bird only had about a 6-7 inch beard but it had pretty long and sharp spurs. We figure the beard must of froze off or something because it was definitely a mature bird. Goodluck to all, in the seasons to come, and congratulations Matt!!

Here is a crappy before pic.

and the end result, for some reason the camera took a fuzzy picture, must of been the lighting

Nice bird, congrats.

I shot a mature tom once that had a 6" beard. The tips of the strands of beard were blonde in color. It was obvious that the beard had been broken off.
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