Life Member
of my season sort of summed it all up. I sat on an open field finger that I know had a tom roosting on it. After 2 hours of getting chewed on by P&Y mosquitoes, a hen walks along the field stops to dust and then continues on to the roost area. About 5 minutes later here comes the tom that had ignored my calls the last two mornings. I figure that all of the swatting and getting bit would finally pay off with at least an "ambush shot" on a tom. Bring my gun up, click, reach up and eject the, the tom heard the 2nd one, I reach up and cycle the third shot, bear down and steady myself for the recoil that I hoped would soon He nervously walks off and I pick up my shells and try not to scream in frustration. Later, after calming down, I check my primers and 2 of the 3 had small dents. Looks like the gun is getting shipped out and repaired before duck season. I am so glad this season is over! Bonker, bad luck on your drawing in the contest.