Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

The Last Minute Buck


Well-Known Member
After blood trailing the same 140" 8pt and having the trail run cold, having brought 5 different people out there to help me look and following a 150 yard blood trail. I finally called it quits on that buck, I spent from 6:30pm-9pm looking for this buck last night and praying that I'd find him in the dark with the guy who bow hunts with me. This morning 2 of my friends went out with me from sunrise until 11ish then I was on my own until 1pm. Soon after my friend and I, along with my dog headed out to look and nothing. I know the 8pt is dead with a good quartering away shot, but after spending all day and my dog even not being able to pick up the trail and it not being on my land I had to call it.

Anyway, on my way back with my one friend we see two bucks and a doe up on a terrace on one of the places I hunt. I went ahead and tried a spot and stalk. I was able to get up sneak up to 10 yards and gave him one right in the lungs. He went 10 more yards looked back and dropped. He was done. Yes, I shot him in my underarmor hoody and sweat pants.

Shot my bow doe in an orange underarmor hoody...maybe they're good luck



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Congrats on a good deer!!!!! just wondering why you named your post the last minute buck? lol isnt there still 5-6 weeks of bow hunting. Also did you shoot 2 different 8 points and shot this buck after looking for the second 8? couldn't really follow it that well.
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Congrats on a good deer!!!!! just wondering why you named your post the last minute buck? lol isnt there still 5-6 weeks of bow hunting. Also did you shoot 2 different 8 points and shot this buck after looking for the second 8? couldn't really follow it that well.

No, it was the same fricking 8pt I shot on my birthday. Oct. 26th.
So you shot an 8 on oct 26th, no dice on finding him.
Fast forward and you shot the same 8 again and couldn't find him.
And you killed the deer pictured walking out after looking for the original arrow proof deer that you have hit twice in a 3 week period??
Did I follow all that correctly
So you shot an 8 on oct 26th, no dice on finding him.
Fast forward and you shot the same 8 again and couldn't find him.
And you killed the deer pictured walking out after looking for the original arrow proof deer that you have hit twice in a 3 week period??
Did I follow all that correctly

Yes, you did. This is why I removed the part about the 8pt because it would just come back to the 8pt instead of the harvest. I was on my way back to my house when I saw this buck with a doe and another small buck.

Also, the neighboring landowners aren't peachy.
"I know the 8 pointer is dead with a good quartering away shot"
Then shoot another buck on the way out and throw your tag on it and call it a day.
If I was your neighbor I wouldn't be too peachy either!
I commend the effort you put in looking for the deer but if it was on the neighbors ground all you have to do is call the CO and they will go with you across the property line if it came to that.
You are either in an amazing place or your a truly great hunter for your age but there seems to be a lot of shooting and not a lot of finding going on
Great stalk Josh, congrats! One thing I've learned over the years is that bucks can take a lot, and just keep going. I've tracked many that you thought were gonna bleed out any time, only to show up on camera a week later.
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