Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

The Last Straw!


I was out to my uncles farm today after work moving some stands. We were driving over to set the stands up, and my uncle says: Hey there's a stand over there. I asked him: there isn't anyone else hunting out here is there. He said he has given no one else permission to hunt there. We drive another 40 yards and what do you know, another ladderstand. This is a area that has a creek running through it, with crops on both sides. The nearest property line is about 400 yards away. There is no-way that you can see this from the roads. So tommorrow I'm going to do one of two things.

1. Chainsaw the tree down with the stand still attached.
2. Move the stand to one of the other farms, use it the rest of the year, and leave a note letting him know that he can pick it up at the sheriff's office.

I am so sick of this crap. You spend a lot of time, taking precautions when setting up your area, to have some scumbag sneak onto your family's ground and use it as your own. If your out there and you can read this you are officially out $250.00.
how much you want for them? i myself would take them down and either use them for myself or sale them to me or just give them to me, i love ladderstands, can't never have enough of them. then i would try to make sure i or someone else watched that area like a hawk to catch the piece of crap and let them know that, that is what they get for tresspassing!
I voted against cutting the tree down- unless the poacher was in the stand at the time. Why waste a good tree on trash?
Take the stand down and leave the note. Its not the trees fault it was in the wrong place. I will bet you will own some ne ladder stands because they wont come after them.

I had a similar thing happen to me, BUT there is not anything I can do about it.

I hunt on a guys ground, have for 10 years. His boy decides to take up bowhunting a few years back and hunts the same ground I do. No problems until recently. I took a ladder stand down to take home and repair. A few weeks later, I happen along the path and the boy has a ladder stand in the tree he knows I hunt out of. Kind of a kick in the rear.

Kinda peed me off, but..... I work on his outboard motor, what comes around goes around. Take my tree, I will make it right.

It is probably someone that you know. Most of the times it is a friend that will do this, hoping you won't find out. Kinda like boatmans deal.
I agree with release hunter, it is likely somebody with some kind of connection. They may even think they have the right to be there by some miss communication. Proceed with care and don't do as I have done in the past. Good luck and let us know how this plays out.
I voted for you to take it down and use it, but after thinking it over... I think it would be funny to cut down the tree so it would smash the stand
i would take it and use it elsewhere. i would NOT leave a note. if they have the balls to ask your uncle about it, then MAYBE give them to the sherriff
I would take it down and leave it at the base of the tree. The trespasser will get the message.
I would try and catch him out there and then go approach him and tell him to leave and if he leaves his ladder stand you won't press charges.

If not...I'd take it down and use it myself

Just my 2 cents

His boy decides to take up bowhunting a few years back and hunts the same ground I do. .......I took a ladder stand down to take home and repair. A few weeks later, I happen along the path and the boy has a ladder stand in the tree he knows I hunt out of.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hey Boatman, maybe you could try talking to the kid - if he's new into bowhunting, maybe he just figured you knew what you were doing and it was a good spot to hunt (and didn't intend to 'steal' it from you).

Worth a shot to talk - especially since it's his father's land. Maybe he's willing to learn, and could use a mentor, and you could explain the error of his ways, and pass on some valuable advice.
What did the tree ever do to you...cut te stand up. Leave it in pieces at the base of the tree with a note that explains you "saved him/her the trouble of taking it down, now all they have to do is get it off the private land he/she is on."

Or, you can keep it and sell it in the classifieds.
I feel your pain! I had a similar situation happen to me two years ago. When I encountered the stands (2), I wrote a nasty note and put it in a ziplock bag and tied it to the stand with my cell # on it. Three days later
I received a call from the culprit. Come to find out the land owner -some time ago, had given his daughter 5 acres. After this was explained to me by the daughter, I really didn't have much of a case. One of the stands is a little off of the 5 acres but that's something I'll tolerate given the other 335 acres are soley for myself.

I had the bolt cutters ready but I'm glad I sent the message first. Leave a note with your phone #. If this person has any gonads, he just might call.
I agree with pharmer it's not the tree's fault so I wouldn't cut it down.
But I would have no problem taking it and using it yourself. I've done that in the past with treestands and traps. It's the idiots loss...
I was putting stands on my uncles land when we noticed a stand so I left my phone # figured they would call or take their stand down, since I was the only one with permission. He called ends up he wasn't suppose to be there and was on the wrong ground. He took his stands down. Resolved pretty easily.
Always interesting to me that people capable of getting into bow range of big deer can't figure out property lines. I can understand a in a huge parcel of timber somewhere but how do you get turned around in an area like Supertec describes?
I did'nt vote on either. I try to catch him in it then I'd have him charged. I'd want to know WHO it was!
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