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the lovstuen buck is on the cover of IA game&fish


Life Member
just came in the mail saturday! part one of an article about tony and his record setting buck. i don't know if it is on the stands yet, but it should be soon
Wait-------i thought no pictures were to be released till North American Whitetail put the pictures on the stands.....i think if a picture did sneak out that could ruine the contract between the Lovstuens and NAW for all rights to pictures and the story wouldn't it? Im not sure about this but i think the contract would b void......maybe someone else knows.......

Iowa Fish & Game is a subsidary of North American Whitetail...
Oh yeah forgot that......i need some sleep after a total of about 8 hours this whole weekend.

Thanks for clearing this up,

I have followed this story faily closely and I knew about the car accident in which the buck was supposed to have been killed, I also knew the buck had been previously shot and had a smaller rack the following year. What I didn't know until reading the story in NAW was that Tony's dad Doug is the one who shot it in 2001. I had heard that the buck was living near the A&W in Albia. Can anyone confirm that this is the Lovstuen's land?

I read the story with great interest and found it to be fascinating and well written. Amazing deer and an amazing set of circumstances.
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