New Member
I did it . . I finally did it ! I broke my longbeard jinx today, and harvested a nice bird on a unique and very short afternoon hunt. In the past I've taken 2 jakes and a bearded hen, but have had nothing but excuses and some missed shots on gobblers.
Today, a neighbor and I went to a place near town to see if any mushrooms were left. We had found several pounds last Sunday, and hoped for a few more. We only found a few dried ones, so we got in the truck and headed towards home. Near the gate, I saw a nice tom about 40-50 yards ahead, so I stopped the truck, and got my gun out. Unfortunately, it was CamoKid's 20 gauge, and I only had 12 gauge shells in the truck. So, we opened the gate and drove out - with the gobbler watching me go by at about 30 yards. As soon as I got home, I grabbed my camo clothes, my son's 20 gauge turkey loads, and headed back. I parked the truck, put on my camo, and snuck along the large wooded draw. Three minutes later, I was at the spot where I had last seen the bird. I stood up and there he was, heading for the timber 20 yards in front of me. One quick shot, and he was mine.
He weighed in at just under 23 pounds, and had a 10 3/4" beard, and 1" spurs.
This more than makes up for the bird that I missed last Friday. (I'm blaming my gun for that one, because it can't defend itself.) Today's hunt was very simple and short, but I am very excited about getting a mature bird this year.