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The neighbors farms for sale......


Well-Known Member
Tillable land prices here have definitely come off the highs, I'd say 10% at least depending on the piece, now the neighbor puts a land for sale sign on a 194acres 175 tillable. It doesn't border me but it's pretty close to home..... He's only asking about 30% more than a recent land auction sale, on a very similar size tract and very similar CSRs. He might get it but he s not getting it from me. I'm not paying 30% more than a recent auction he s asking 184/CSR2 point. If he wanted that he should have sold 1.5-2 years ago.

I'm interested in the farm but only if he comes off his pie in the sky asking price. Farm has a quite a bit of very light blow sand and sand veins I'd say of the 175 Tillable, 40 acres is very light.

I know I know ya normally only get 1 chance to buy the neighbors farm, but I don't like being instantly under water when I sign the papers.

It seems the lower quality farm land here is come down quite a bit. Even a farm that would have brought 20,000 2 years ago, Brought 17,500 on an open bid good farm, but the market has definitely retreated.
A farm a couple miles from home no saled a couple weeks ago at auction. 8900 per acre. Low 80s csr and fairly hilly for our part of the country. Wouldn't have been a bad buy.
With all changes trump is making if he does lower income taxes and interest rates might see a surge in sales/prices again? My 2 cents

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Cut up or more hills than the general area could without a doubt limit the big guys right around there
Gotcha. Makes sense. With a csr like that, would you figure yields of 220 and 65 are in play any given year? 8900 still seems too low. But yeah, farming it could be a major headache for most guys.
I’ll never claim to be an expert at all!! I do know plenty who do make that claim tho. With those average yields no matter what that price seems lower than the going rate. Would be neat to know all the reasons why it went for that.
Those yields are what most would expect at minimum for that type of CSR ground. Especially on the corn side
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Pretty cut up and hilly for the area. There's a lot of high 80s and 90s csr around here so low 80s is on the lower end of ground here. I farm a 160 that's a 98 csr 8 miles from this farm.Screenshot_20250207_130653_Samsung Internet.jpg
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