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The Phoenix


Active Member
I never thought that a camera could have a name, but this one is deserving.
It started out life as a V-Cam with an X-10 controller, and the camera was powered by D cells.
It survived a flood a couple years ago, and when it was found, it was floating in a small creek and had become a life raft for a thousand or so ants.
After that experience, I modified it with a solar charger and a single 6 volt battery.
The following year found the camera back in the same spot next to the water. Another flood came through and this time it was all over for the X-10 controller. Well, it's been sitting around for a year and I finally decided to bring it back to life again.
The camera had survived the last flood but I went ahead and hacked another one to get rid of the telephone jack connections. A Bigfoot board is the new controller. While it was apart, I rewired the power leads and gave the enclosure a coating of black rubber undercoating, inside and out. Then added some color to the original 3-D camo job.
As with the mystical Phoenix, it lives again!


Hope it serves you well. I've been using the same setup - Bigfoot and Olympus D-380. I think you'll like it. Also, the case looks great.
I've been thinking of making a set up just like this and was wondering what the pictures looked like. Could you post a few of this set up I would appreciate it. Thanks
They make a heck of a good camera. I've been using them for several years with some great pics taken.
My camera that I use for regular photos is also the same type.





thanks for posting the pictures. Is it pretty easy to put together. I have been researching it at PixController and they say a beginner can set this up pretty easy. Since all you have to do is plug this camera in and it is ready to go. Any suggestions. Thanks again.
Shovel, are you using the Smartmedia cards, or did you adapt it to read XD cards? From what I can see in the photo, you must be using Smartmedia.
Yep, but it extends out the side of the card slot. You have to trick the camera into thinking the door is closed. I'm not sure if you have room to fit one wiht your setup. Smartmedia works great - they just have smaller capacities, and are a lot costlier to buy. Go with what you got . . .
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