Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Thermocell saves the evening


Took my daughter out on a youth mentor hunt last night. The walk from the truck to the double stand kicked up no less than 1000 mosquitoes. They were relentless until about five minutes after getting the Thermocell started. Man that thing works well! By far the best device for early season hunting. I used it at a youth football game as well, no one else knew what it was. I'm surprised more people don't know about it.

Highly recommended if you are heading out in the woods.
I used one turkey hunting this last spring.. also learned a valuble lesson with them... when hung over, don't place within projectile vomitting distance.. my buddy did while we were bothing sitting there and cooked vomit does not produce a very pleasant smell..haha

Best product that I have seen in years, I would buy stock in the company but they are not a publicly traded company, sales will be huge in the future for hunters and for the backyard patio, etc...
Am I the only guy that these things dont work for :confused:? I have seen little to no difference in the bugs. The jury is still out for me
I hear ya!!!!! I had to use mine Monday evening on the last day of our early doe season. I was hunting by a large row of bales, and every now and then I'd get up and walk about 20 yards down the row to look over another field. When I wasn't by the thermacel, the sketters were relentless.
Great to hear the feedback. Question though, how was the deer movement/sightings?

Deer were moving early. One decent buck was definately interested in a doe ahead of him. Two more 2.5 yr olds came out with plenty of light. Daughter took a poke at several big does with her youth .243 and shot high both times. We decided to leave and come back when we get the rifle sighted properly.
I gotta agree w/ ya. I bought my 1st one this fall & used it 3 times so far. It's like magic - no more bugs. Outstanding product :way:
Absolutely love my Thermacell, use it all early season. Definitely see a difference everytime it warms up. The bugs just seem to hit a barrier around me and no more worrying but slowly slapping bugs off your face.
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