Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company




I went out this morning and saw 4 does and 2 small bucks, but now the wind has really picked up. Should I sit in the stand tonight or go on a still hunt like i did this morning?
I would stay out of the timber until the wind dies down. I had a big branch snap by my stand this morning.
I think it's a little dangerous to be out in the timber. IMO.
WOW that was some wind............I nearly came out of the tree a couple of times. I know there had to be gusts exceeding 50mph, even in the valley I was in. One time, the tree tipped back enough, I thought it was going to snap. You all ask, "what kind of idiot stays out when it is like this?" I guess I am a die hard and know you can't kill a monster sitting at home. I saw nothing tonight but, I have killed two big ones in high winds and seen a ton more in years past. The rut has its effect on whitetails and hunters alike..........
I went out sneaking through the woods at about 2:00 and ended up at my stand by 3:45. Saw a few does while still hunting and a small buck and 2 fawns after i got to the stand. Oh well, it was still better than being at work.
Wish he would have shown up
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