Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

They're back


I was hoping that for some crazy reason I would avoid these little turds all year but I have now found 5 ticks on me in the past week. Oh how I hate those things.
I picked up two in late march while out shed hunting.....I can send you some Frontline Plus Flea and Tick insecticide if you would like
As far as a real good repellent, use permanone (permethrin) on your clothing. It works pretty good.
Shredder where can you but this permethrin? Wally world? Need to get some before the mushrooms start popin.
Picked up a couple of cans at WalMart the other night. Look in the camping section around the other bug spray. Blue and orange can. About $5 a can.
I'll take cold, snow, and long winters over those little buggers any day. We don't have them this far north, not enough frost free days.
IA bowhunter50,
I looked in Wal-Mart but I could fine any? Does it say permanone on the can or does it say some thing else?
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