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Think I need a clarification


Active Member
I've noticed several people have killed 2 birds already. Is this due to landowner tags? I've got one with the bow (bow only tag) and I'm under the belief that I have to wait until 4th season to use another bow only tag right? Just want to make sure I'm not allowed to be out there right now. I'm not a landowner.
They changed the law last year. You can buy two archery only tags in Iowa now and hunt opening day to closing day with both tags. YOu can even kill two birds in one day now.

Go buy another tag.
This is REALLY bad!

1.) I could have shot two on Friday
2.) I bought another tag today and asked for an archery only and I just now noticed it's a 4th season gun/bow combo!

Anybody ever try going back to the store and asking them to redo this so I can get the correct tag? The worst thing is, both of these things were my own fault. Thought I knew the rule and I was wrong AND I didn't check the tag close enough today. I'm feeling like a real dolt right now. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/crazy.gif
You could always get two archery tags and fill them whenever you wanted. But you could only shoot one a day. It was last year that they let you harvest two in one day. Now you can shoot two in one day with a bow if you have two tags or if you have two fourth season shotgun tags you can also shoot two in one day.

The thing they were dragging their feet on for years and years was if you bought a archery tag you could not get a gun/bow combination now you can buy an archery tag and also buy a fourth season gun/bow license.

Hope this clears it up.

I am guessing if you explained the situation they would take care of it for you. Never hurts to ask.
Thanks man. Being my first year with the bow I'm bumping into the learning curve a little. I called the 24 hr Wal-Mart last night and a guy said typically if it's within 24 hours of the purchase they don't have any problems making changes. I'll make that cutoff, I'm heading over there shortly and we'll see how it goes.
Okay, okay...don't think of me as an idiot...but we can get 2 archery only tags plus a gun tag for 4th season equalling 3 birds?
Well the drama is over. They had no problems fixing the situation so I'm back in the game with my 2nd archery only tag. Maybe I didn't get my double but that means I'm back in the woods to hunt another day...and that's good. Thanks Limb.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: SEIowaDeerslayer</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Okay, okay...don't think of me as an idiot...but we can get 2 archery only tags plus a gun tag for 4th season equalling 3 birds? </div></div>

Even landowners are only allowed two tags, one is just cheaper. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif
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