Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

This gave me a laugh....


PMA Member
Ok... I probably shouldn't be chuckling at this really, but, in regards to the serial stabbings/hammer-beating and the Israeli that they just arrested for it, I was reading an article online about it and one of the readers comments were:

"OK we need very strict hammer sales control. Its outrageous that someone can just walk in the store and buy a hammer without showing their id or license. Crimes were committed using hammers just like in this case. There should be no hammer sales without a permit to purchase a hammer and a permit to possess the hammer. Each hammer should be micro stamped so it could be traced to the original purchaser. There should be no private sales of the hammers of any kind, in order to sell a hammer seller must register with tools sales store. We need a special bureau to track and control the tools sales - TNG (Tools Nails and Gatorade) that will enforce and punish the violators.
Makes sense doesn't it? Neither does the Gun Control, when someone wants to kill they seem to find a way."

I thought that was an interesting way of putting it...
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