I just checked this for AZ and it only shows you the draw odds, which can be very misleading, at least in AZ. AZGFD posts the previous year's draw odds as well as the success rates for that same year. I know several units for deer and elk where you can get 70-100% draw odds, but due to the low numbers of animals and the timing of the hunt (mid-Oct, eg), you face a 20% or less success rate. I can't speak for other states' systems, but for AZ this is very misleading and you are better off looking directly at the AZ hunt regs as they are posted. AZ also publishes a book every so often with the patterns of draw rates vs. success rates for every hunt unit and each individual hunt within that unit. But then you have to ask yourself whether you just want a chance to hunt something or do you actually want a better than average chance of filling a tag.