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Thumbhole stocks


New Member
I would like to hear from those of you who shoot a ML with a thumbhole stock. I am looking at switching to a TC Omega, and that thumbhole stock is kinda neat. Funky, but neat. Pretty comfortable, too. I know the biggest difference between this stock and the regular one is probably just preference, but I was wondering if you felt they help you hold steadier. Seems to me like they hold a bit tighter to the shoulder with a thumbhole stock. Thanks !
I spent alot of time in Scheels throwing each in my shoulder. I went with the Composite black thumbhole stock / stainless barrel. No regrets on the thumbhole stock just feels more comfortable and easier to handle. (The only thing that I second guess is if I should have gone with camo model. Stainless rusts just as easy as blued I.M.O.)
I have thumbhole stocks on both my Knight Disc Extreme & my Knight TK2000 Shotgun.

I really like the thumbhole stocks, they allow me to hold much steadier on my target shooting off the bench, or off hand.

IMO felt recoil is less with a thumbhole stock.
Thanks for the input, guys. I think I'll go with the Omega with the stainless barrel and the camo-thumbhole stock. I'll try it out in Manitoba this fall.
I don't have a thumbhole stock just a personal preference on their appearance but I do think you can hold steadier with them
I have the Omega w/ the thumbhole stack, it's quickly becoming my favorite muzzleloader! Very accurate and comfortable shooting, and the stock design definetly helps with recoil and trigger control.
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