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Time to give up?

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I went out 3rd and 4th season this and last year I just went 4th. This year I went on a place that isn't Turkey hunted at all. I would have had a nice Tom if it wasn't for a crappy blind. A GREAT Tom walked 2 feet behind us the opening day of 4th. He was in grass on a fence but the blind wouldn't open. He didn't come to the dekes at all. The second closest I got to a Tom (The same one) was 40 yards he just came out of the roost but he had 4 hens with him. The last friday of 4th it was wet and our normal spot was flooded so we moved. The same Tom came again! he came out again 40 yards away and a hen busted me! This was about 7am so we wait awhile and then he came back with 3 hens and came 40 yards again and I desided to shoot I shot him but we never found him. This really sucked for the second year, I was really hopeful I'd get a bird. Well, that's Turkey hunting. :thrwrck:
I sure wouldnt give up.The longer you go without getting one makes it that much better when you do! Its hunting.Good luck next year.
21-23% of Iowa turkey hunters fill their tags.... Don't get down on yourself, its not an easy game. Takes years sometimes to get your first. Its worth it tho!

Definately hang in there...It took a few years for me too..and numbers are down, and it was a crappy spring...lots of variables...heck, I hunted both north and south iowa, and it didnt change, it was crappy!
I've been hunting turkey for 22 years and have 10 beards to show for it. I have passed on some jakes and it has mostly been with a bow but still, it's not a given to kill a bird. My best run was back to back to back with my bow. Keep at it!
Unless you are a really good shot, 40 yards is a long poke.. Kill zone on a turkey is pretty small.. Get out side of it and you end up loosing one, as you stated..

Like you said, "That's turkey hunting" Let go of it and move on.. More birds are waiting.
I guess I am wondering if you really love turkey hunting how could
you quit?

I went the first two years without a shot and had a learning curve bow hunting them.

Read as much material as you can on hunting them, save money and buy a better blind, practice shooting at 40 yards, practice your calling.

If you know someone that is an experienced turkey hunter have him take you out.

You will never be successful if you quit now.

Good luck and keep us posted. :way:
I have been hunting turkeys for 30 years. Turkey hunting is the most rewarding and the most discouraging endeavor to perform. Stay at it and it will pay off. Good Luck next time.
Been turkey hunting 12 years. Shot my second bird just this year. I like to think that I use up all my good luck deer hunting:way:. Just keep your head up and hunt smart and you will get one!
Keep at it! Keep practicing your calls and scouting. Everyone has bad times. Look at the positives or the hunt and enjoy nature.

I never got one my first year out but kept at it. Don't stop if you really love hunting turkeys.
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