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timekiller & scottonbuck


Well-Known Member
timekiller & scottonbuck - 67 + 72 = 139

scottonbuck goes first, time killer goes second.

you have one week to respond.

Here's a list of what's been taken. Also, Lone Wolf never followed through with what they said they would send so don't ask for their DVD's.

rutnstrut has taken the beard holder
jkratz has taken some of the seed from nannyslayer
whopper28 took the custom call from THA4
palmated took the decoys and bino set
jclaws took gersdorfs turkey call
captain took the blood brothers DVDs
SWIABOONER took the white knuckle DVD's
Skully has taken some seed from 180 class
Brew Crew has taken a Campfire DVD and a Rut Junkie DVD
Prizes that I have left are Rut Junkie DVD's and hats, Campfire DVD, and Outreach Outdoors DVD's.
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