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To Grunt, To Bleat, To Rattle ?


Well-Known Member
Hello Fellow Hunting Ladies, and Gentlemen, I will likely be hunting the first two wks of Nov. Where I came from any one of the afore mentioned techniques got little results,if not actually scared deer away. I have been told "Rattling", is not the greatest pursuit. It usually only attracts young bucks. Of coarse there is an exception to everything. When you grunt do you just use a general grunt sound? There is the young B Grunt, Doe Grunt, so many "Grunts"? About how often do you grunt? Has anyone tried the "Bleat Can"? I have read it is supposed to sound like a doe being pressed by a buck. Other bucks are supposed come to inspect. Only animal I ever attracted with the can was a Coyote! Of coarse I never tried this stuff on Iowa Deer. I am sure you have many opinions. I am interested in hearing them! Thank you all for your valuable time.
Hi Loneranger. I myself have had no luck ever with rattling, but with grunting and bleating it is either hit or miss. I have called in bucks clear across a field using ‘the can’ bleat call, but I’ve also had them ignore it or run the other way. Same with grunt calls, sometimes they come running, sometimes not. I think it will be worth your while to try them both, just don’t overdo it. Even the most vocal bucks don’t grunt all the time. I watch and listen to bucks and try to imitate them when I call. You'll probably want to try tending grunts, which you should be hearing in the woods the first half of November.
Try rattling with a big set of horns and mix it up with some mature buck grunts. It works! Each of the methods you've mentioned can be effective. You need to figure out what is effective in varying situations, weather, distance, deer activity and so on. Keep an open mind and keep working at it. I really like watching hunting videos that display successful use of different skills. Good luck this year in Iowa and at home.
I'd try it all at least once, but I wouldn't do it too often, if results didnt start showing right away, i would leave it all in the truck. i think alot of guys burn out stands quick by overcalling way too much. I know I have in the past, and have learned the hard way of hunting a dead stand from my own stupidity. I also think a big buck can only be called in so many times, if he comes in just out of range and doesnt see anything and leaves, if that keeps happening over and over, then he will finally just not even listen to your calls
For calls to be effective, you need the right call, at the right time, and a buck in the right mood. My experince has lead me to use a doe bleat more often than a buck grunt in mid november and buck grunts and rattling antlers in the early pre-rut.
I hunt a lot of public ground that is generally hunted hard early so about the last week of october the young buck grunt works wonders. I wouldnt dare rattle on our ground though. Also the buck to doe ratio has to be quite high for rattling to work consistently i believe.
To my knowledge, I've never actually called in a buck that I couldn't see just from grunting. Sponsor driven hunting videos will have you believe that after these guys get in the tree and grunt six or eight times, a buck should magically appear from over the next ravine, but in reality, I don't think it really works that way. I have however, had luck grunting in a buck that I could see within 75 yards, and grunting when his attention was drawn towards something else. Twice this has actually worked for me.
As far as rattling goes, I've never had much luck with it. The only time I try it is when I'm a considerable distance from an area where I think there might be a buck hanging out. As easy as it is for deer to appear out of nowhere, I figure it's just as easy for them to be hidden from my sight and actually watch beat my horns together up in a tree. If it weren't for other people's success with these tactics, I'd leave them at home and take my chances without them.
Moderation is the key…I generally use rattling to bring in a buck that’s within sight but not coming my direction. It has worked a number of times but has never resulted in a kill. The true shooter’s that responded were on alert and just outsmarted me – the others I just passed on. I don’t generally blind rattle, although I have had a few bucks, including a 140â€, charge in with ears laid back. For the most part I use low impact grunts and bleats with good success. For me the best time is pre chase and post peak. The best time there is to grunt is during the pre rut when you see does being shadowed by a young buck – but the young buck acts submissive and keeps his distance from the does. I’ve seen this a few times and with a couple grunts had the big buck who was hanging back come charging in – unfortunately, the big boy won’t stray far from the does. Good luck.
This is what I love about this forum - first hand experiences. I wish we all could make the monster bucks magically appear like in the commercial videos.

I've rattled in a couple bucks, but nothing huge to shoot. When I've had bucks in the area that I could see tracking does I've had better response with the grunt calls.

I've experimented with doe bleats when I had does only in sight, sometimes they'd answer, sometimes they wouldn't seem interested at all, and a couple times they took off.
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