Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Total # of deer harvested?


Active Member
I thought it would be interesting to see just how many deer the iowawhitetail boys/ girls have harvested this year? i thought it would be good to get a rough estimate before shotgun season with the archery season and early muzzle season, and even youth season. Then as the season progresses you can always edit it and add more

make it kind of like the turkey harvest.

me 4 does
1 buck

dad 6 does
2 bucks

= 13 deer
Our bunch has harvested :
3 bucks and 2 does during archery season.
1 buck youth season.
3 bucks 2 does and 1 button buck early muzzleloader season.

12 deer total
2 does archery

1 west River buck 4X5 (rifle)

1 east River Buck 4X4 (rifle)

Still Looking for Archery Buck

4 deer total
2 bucks by me and one by my wife. I will edit this in about 4 days, I get to break out the muzzleloader this weekend and I have a bunch of doe tags to fill.
1 buck
2 does for me.
still have one doe tag and a late muzzleloader tag.
1 doe for my 12 yr. old son.
1 button so far-----my mistake of not being 100% sure

Still have 11 acherys tags to fill between 4 guys (1 any sex, and 2 anterless each....remember i filled one of my anterless already) Oh and we did have 8 turkey tags between us 4 and not one of them filled

Also have 8 shotgun tags to fill this weekend. (4 anysex, 4 anterless)

Good luck and be safe this weekend through the massive orange army,


P.S. heard a kid at school today say their party has 67 people in it 67 PEOPLE with 2 tags each......134 deer.......67 have to be anterless......hope they know a locker with the HUSH program....also think about it 67 guys 5 slugs each adverage.......thats 355 slugs that could be flying around.....he asked me to come along, i just said no and walked away without even looking back or feeling bad that i said no.......we dont like to drive and if we do its not anymore than a 8 man group and very rarely a 10 man but i have hunted with all these guys sense i was 7 and i know they are all safe hunters. I couldn't even imagine what a group of 67 hunters look like getting out of cars and tromping through land together....wow what is shotgun hunting coming to? OK ENOUGH ranting for me.....time to head off to basketball this time.
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