Could be bobcats, coyotes, or birds of prey. I have seen a few times when turkey hunting where coyotes come sneaking into the dekes thinking they are gonna get a free meal.
I agree, it could be any of those predators, or even something else entirely. But I have been out and about in the turkey woods for almost 35 years now and it was never until about 4 or 5 years ago that I began to see dead adult birds. So finding dead adults is still a fairly new phenomenon for me.
I have watched and hunted farms with coyotes for nearly all of those years and have never seen a coyote get one, although I am sure they do sometimes. We have set put cams on gut piles before and had everything come in including: coyotes, fox, bobcats, other deer, coons, possums, dogs, cats, eagles, hawks, crows, vultures, etc. So we have little of everything.:grin:
Our turkey population is just a fraction of what it was 5 or 6 years ago. We have really put a hurt on the miscellaneous varmint(coons, skunks, possums, feral cats) population in the last 13 months or so, in an effort to help nesting success. But I would like to find out what is killing the adult birds too.