Like Silvertip, I really enjoy shooting; some weeks I'll shoot almost everyday if I can. When I'm busy, I still try to get in a couple hours each week minimum. I always have good accuracy 18 yards and under, but when I'm ramping up for seasons I usually feel competent at 25 on in.
It's like the quarterback hitting the reciever or the guy who can hit his free throws. The more you do it, the easier it gets. And like Silvertip said, form and concentration are the key. You also need to tune your setup. If you want to be exceptional, you need correct arrow spine. Bareshaft testing is the way to go.
If your gonna give it a serious go, I have a great video for you. It shows bows being made, tips on shooting and the best bareshaft and setup information I've ever seen. Shoot me a PM.