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Transferring Soil?

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Well-Known Member
After being on a Soil Judging team I've seen some crappy & good soil. Anywhere from Class I-IV, Marshall to Adair but man...I've never seen soil so crappy as 93D2. That's what I'm dealing with. The timber I hunt is setup on 11B. I've made it so I can till it up for a food strip in the timber this year. I was curious, would it be worth it to bring 9B into an area like this? We have old feed lots with mounds of 9B on them and we were thinking about transferring the soil to the place and mixing it into the crappy soil and putting on around #500 of Triple 13. Luckly I have unlimited access to Triple 13 fertilizer.

Does anybody know if this is even possible? I was thinking making it primarily into EW Barrier from the road and Brassicas because I'm a poor teenage kid.
Lol. In my experience, soil modifications are not easy and usually aren't long term. Doesn't mean you shouldn't try though. I would start with a soil test from...ISU? Doesn't really matter who does it but get one. I think they are like 20 bucks. Not sure on that though.
If you can do it, for sure worth it. Do the brassicas and rye mix rotation, on top of it, then you will be able to do anything with the ground.
Do you have any equipment to do it efficiently? A tractor bucketful and having to drive 1/2 mile one way, you're wasting your time IMO. If you can get a scraper, dump truck or dump trailer, maybe even a rear discharge manure spreader, it might be worth it.
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