My budy shot a doe and we are trying figure out if I can haul it around on top of my suv.
What part of it is illegal? Him transporting his buddies deer? I'm curious now and only reason I ask is because last year I rode to a piece of public land with my buddy. I ended up shooting a buck, but had no vehicle to take it to the locker. So I called the CO to see if I could have someone else take my deer (my brother) to the locker while I continued to doe hunt. He said as long as both tags were already on the deer that I was good to go.Nope.......illegal.......big fine.
bigbuckhunter88 said:What part of it is illegal? Him transporting his buddies deer? I'm curious now and only reason I ask is because last year I rode to a piece of public land with my buddy. I ended up shooting a buck, but had no vehicle to take it to the locker. So I called the CO to see if I could have someone else take my deer (my brother) to the locker while I continued to doe hunt. He said as long as both tags were already on the deer that I was good to go.
bigbuckhunter88 said:Thats what I was asking, I didn't know that one couldn't have one on top of an SUV. Didn't think there would be anything wrong since people strap them on the trunks of their cars all the time around here.
Critter said:It's not illegal gents......just not real classy in my opinion......I've got more respect for the animal than to strap its bloody carcass to the top of my SUV for all the world to I said though, that's only my opinion.
Cooter said:What next top of the suv pix instead of back of the truck? Reciever racks are cheap and so are tarps.
Mobile Cooter on IW