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Well, the Beavers are really takin' a liking to two of our properties and ruined about 30-40 acres+ (Along with the Deer) so my Dad is going to buy me traps and wants me to start trapping. Anyone have any tips or heads ups? I can sell the beavers right? Or can you not sell them, just move them?
It'll probably easier and more effective to find an experienced trapper to do it for you, or at least show you the ropes.

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330 conibear in there runs is what I've had best luck with..make sure there completely under water otherwise there illegal!! Try to put a stick over the trap across the top so it makes them dive into the trap..make sure u have all ur licenses and everything..prolly gonna need a setters to set them traps too
You can sell the beaver, but for me that's not what trappings about. You can get some 1.75 cs, they will be a lot easier to set. When I do this you make a castor mound ( I think that's what its call). When you make the mound you get a little bit of of the dirt mud in the water and make a little mound the size of your fist. It works well with beaver sents on it but it should work. Another good one is snares in their slides, but I've heard of some beavers getting out of them...stake them down good they are strong.
The only catch em every time rig I've used are sliders. Take a thin steel cable and attach to a heavy cement block. Throw block into deep water. Take a #3 double coil spring trap and with a one way slider attach trap to cable so that it slides down and locks coming back. Stake to bank so slack is out of cable. Beaver steps in trap, heads to deep water and slider locks so he can't get back to air. Kills em every time and a live beaver isn't really something fun to deal with. I've seen many river beavers over 4 ft long. Any trapping place will have the sliders...........ck
Break open the dam towards the center and set the sliding rig at the mouth. The beaver will step in the trap while trying to repair.
get some 330's they are not real cheap but they really work well. I always do den sets and dam sets. By law i believe the traps must be completly submerged by water... get yourself a pair of chest waders and some "full arm gloves" water is damn cold. I reccomend using fencing posts rather than the rebar trapping stakes. Also when propping up the trap do NOT use green branches as they will go for the branches. When a beaver gets caught in a 330 they will do several spins in the water to get loose. if you cannot use the posts make sure you use very heavy wire. I use #9 wire and tie the end to a bigger log on the dam. Last thing you want is to be taking a rake and trying to snag the trap and beaver under ice in 8 foot of water.
good luck. let me know if you need any more help. you will find that beaver trapping is much more challenging than coons because they can become easily educated.

All you ever needed to know about trapping. People on the forum are very helpful. You will get hooked on trapping, it is a lot of fun and it pays for itself and then some.
Forget about traps & use snares. You can make them yourself for pennies. They are super easy to use & no one likes to steal them & they are safe for deer & hunting dogs.
Handcannon said:
Forget about traps & use snares. You can make them yourself for pennies. They are super easy to use & no one likes to steal them & they are safe for deer & hunting dogs.

Snares are cheap but on beaver they leave a bad ring on the pelt. If your not worried about selling them snares are the way to go.
Forget about traps & use snares. You can make them yourself for pennies. They are super easy to use & no one likes to steal them & they are safe for deer & hunting dogs.
If worried about hunting dogs I would much rather have a 330 in the water than a snare on land. I've seen dogs tangled up in snares and if the owner hadn't had a pair of wire cutters it could've ended in the worst way.
When snaring beaver don't put them on land. Put them at the end of the beaver slide at the waterline. And in Iowa any snare set on land has to have a stop on it so dog legs or deer legs will slip out. If you catch a dog while trying to catch a beaver - you are doing it wrong.
I would try to find a local trapper to help you out. Trapping beaver can be a challenge and 330 connibears should be handled with care. If you want to sell the pelts it is best to have someone that knows how to skin a beaver show you the right way to do it. Your local CO or County Conservation office should be able to help you get in touch with an experienced trapper.
Handcannon said:
When snaring beaver don't put them on land. Put them at the end of the beaver slide at the waterline. And in Iowa any snare set on land has to have a stop on it so dog legs or deer legs will slip out. If you catch a dog while trying to catch a beaver - you are doing it wrong.

Not really, you could have a dog run down a beaver slide right into the snare.
Not really, you could have a dog run down a beaver slide right into the snare.

I'm not worried about Dogs guys, just Beavers. There's no Dogs around besides my black lab and yellow lab but they don't go around this area as much because it's pretty far away from the house. Thanks for all the tips I have someone that I know that'll help me just need to get ahold of him. He wanted me to trap 4 years ago but I never had time.
I would stick with long spring and coil springs. They are ALOT easier to set unless you got trap Setters.

which are super easy to make yourself. two pieces about 3 feet long of flat scrap iron, cut a notch on each piece then drill a hole and bolt together walla you have a easy way to set those conibears
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