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Travesty of Justice in Taylor County


PMA Member
Picked this up on another forum and thought if I'd share it here.
All I can say is WOW!!!
I copied & pasted the letter to the editor. The actual link is below.

Marc Roberg, Afton

To the editor:

In May of 2010, what I believe was a travesty of justice was perpetrated on the citizens of Taylor County. This decision may have severe consequences for the future.

A District court judge dismissed charges on 12 individuals at the request of the Clerk of Court. The charges stemmed from an incident in January of 2009.

On January 17, 2009 the conservation officer assigned to Taylor County received several complaints of a very large group of deer hunters just northwest of Bedford.

Witnesses reported that the group was using vehicles to hunt deer and were shooting rifles from the roadway and near residences. When officers arrived they found numerous rifle casings on the roads and 2 antlered bucks and 2 does that had been shot and left in the fields.

This was the antlerless deer season.

Through witness reports of license numbers and vehicle descriptions, officers were able to track down the individuals involved in this hunting complaint. The officers found that there were at least 22 participants involved.

Through interviews with these people, officers got written statements and admissions that corroborated the witness reports of using motor vehicle to hunt deer. Several individuals admitted shooting rifles from or across the roads. Several in the group also admitted the use of CB radios to coordinate the hunt.

License records checks showed that several people involved were not properly licensed to hunt. While there were numerous wildlife violations, the most troubling part was the total lack of concern and respect for residents of the area and the total disregard of safety and hunter ethics exhibited by the members of the hunting group.

Conservation officers investigated the incident thoroughly. Statements were taken, cell phones were seized for evidence, and guns were seized for testing at the Division of Criminal Investigation Lab. Due to delays at the DCI lab, no enforcement actions were taken until January of 2010.

During this time, one of the witnesses was harassed by a member of this hunting group. After the results from the Lab were received, the officers presented a list of charges to the County Attorney. The County Attorney decided what charges would be filed.

After being charged by the officers, all of the defendants requested jury trials. Two trial dates were set, with one being moved to Adams County due to one of the defendant’s employment at the Taylor County courthouse.

At the request of the County Attorney, all guns were returned to the defendants in the spring of 2010. One week after the last gun was returned, the Taylor County officer was told by a third party the rumor was all of the charges had been dismissed by a district court judge.

The next day the officer was notified by the county attorney’s office the charges had been dismissed by District Court Judge Lloyd. The judge cited budgetary problems and simple misdemeanor jury trials to be of a low priority.

When asked, the Taylor County Clerk of Court stated that she talked to the district court judge about the dismissals and requested them. She also stated that she had talked about the possibility of dismissing the cases to both the Adams and Taylor county magistrates and attorneys weeks prior to the dismissal.

The Clerk of Court stated not having enough help as the primary reason. She also said since she was leaving her employment with the Clerk’s office in July, she did not want to burden the incoming clerk with the trials.

The district court judge stated budgetary reasons for the dismissals and admitted to not reviewing the cases or conferring with anyone except the Clerk of Court.

I do not believe the County Attorney advocated the State’s position for justice in this case. The Department of Natural Resources tried unsuccessfully to get a judicial review for reinstatement of the cases from the State Attorney General’s office.

The officers followed standard procedures and the letter of the law, throughout the whole case, from interviewing suspects to the seizure of the firearms to filing charges.

As law-biding hunters, citizens and other law enforcement officers, you should be concerned as to what kind of message this sends to both the violators and the people who turn in those violators.

Where is the justice?

There has been a lot of rumor and speculation about this case due to its duration and who the defendants were. The dismissals were not because of lack of evidence, nor legal or evidentiary errors made by the officers.

They were dismissed by a judge who did not even review the case or the charges. I felt the public should know what happened and what can happen with our justice system.

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I believe Mr. Rohberg is a retired CO.

I didn't know a county clerk could ask for trials/charges to be dismissed? Way more here than meets the eye. Sounds like a case of "Good 'ole boy-ism" to me.

The 'Bonker

Shoulda read closer, the clerk of court asked for dismissal which I still think is wrong.
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Pretty big incident to not have a trial on IMO. Its not like one person shot one deer with a legal tag illegally off the roadway. This involves several people doing lots of things wrong. Still scratching my head on why that would be dismissed? At the very least, why not move to another location or something?

Maybe we need a name to call and "discuss" the public's view of this injustice ;)
In the letter it does state that ther was indeed a change of venue because one of the defendants had a relative that worked at the Taylor County Courthouse. Read what ever you want into that.

As big as this case was why didn't this get into the public eye until now?

Like I said before, something stinks and I'd like to have more details.
Really, really, odd.

I'm a lawyer. This, as reported above, if even close to being accurate is hard to understand. I've never even heard of anything close to this. Sure, a judge can dismiss cases, but its usually for some legal reason, not for budgetary concerns. DUI first offense is a misdemeanor and I'll bet he isn't dismissing those. And the clerk having any say over any of it sounds like somebody has forgotten what the word "clerk" means. A clerk files the paperwork. That's it. A court clerk isn't supposed to be deciding anything. Although here it does sound like it was the judge's decision.

And if there was a change of venue, I'm wondering how this judge could do anything in the case, but I'm not a criminal lawyer so perhaps that is possible.

My guess is like what others have said....the fact that one of the defendants worked at the courthouse played into this sad situation.
I believe the Adams county and Taylor county have too be two of the worst counties in the state for poaching....and crap like this...every year we put up with crap like this and worse down there. I have given up calling the game wardens...its a waste of my time. The only thing that works is to constantly patrol our ground and never cut anyone any slack.
I believe the Adams county and Taylor county have too be two of the worst counties in the state for poaching....and crap like this...every year we put up with crap like this and worse down there. I have given up calling the game wardens...its a waste of my time. The only thing that works is to constantly patrol our ground and never cut anyone any slack.

Strictly speaking on this instance as I read it in the editorial, law enforcement did everything just as they were supposed to; it was the Judge who dismissed the case.

I can't imagine how frustrating it would be to see violations happening right in front of your eyes, call it in and have nothing done though...that sucks! :(

I would like to hear some more info on this, but from what I've read so far, I would encourage anyone who lives in Taylor County to remove this judge from his position when you get the chance to do so on the ballot.
This judge needs to be fired and loose his job and license ASAP . This is pure who knows who crap . Is there any way something can be filed against a judge or county for a dimissed case like this ?? Gezzzzzz guys we put up with this crap theft is theft, rob a bank or wildlife , really whats the diffrence . We know right from wrong . Tossed out before court !!!!! Sure catch one or two guys they are fined but a bunch you'll loose votes. This needs take care of by some higher officals . Anything we can do about this ???
Probably the last time those that witnessed this event ever call in a report. Too bad. The accused in this case got what they wanted and most likely will be back at it again. Hell, why not?
I feel sorry for that witness. Can you think what next deer season will be like for them. They will have gun shot holes in everything they own.
as a deputy for almost 18 years i can only say that it is getting harder every day for us to do our jobs. i know the same is true for our c.o.'s here. its very sad when every thing is to the advantage of the crooks...then the witnesses who are good folks end up hating law enforcement also. that i think is the most stressful part of this game (job) to me, but dont stop calling in those complaints cuz in alot of cases there is no other way to enforce stuff and sometimes it does work....note i said sometimes
What is really sad is that people do or pull these stunts all the time and get away with it. When they are all finally caught and charged nothing becomes of it. Sounds like some home cookin at the courthouse to me. These guys give all hunters that follow the rules a bad name.
Just goes to show, down in our part of the world, calling the law does absolutly nothing. Nobody ever does a thing. Well, I think every landowner has the right to protect his family, livestock and farm as he see's fit, and if certain groups of guys keep on harrasing people the way they do, there will be no need to call the CO or sheriff, they will be calling the corenor.
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