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tree marking?


New Member
Got a question and description from my neighbor asking if I had marked some trees on his side of the fence. I hadn't and haven't seen them yet but his description is "The first tree has PC scratched in it at the ground and about 6 feet high. They actually scraped the bark off a bit. Looks like they used a white paint stick or something". I had a few white "Xs" show up about 4 years ago- anyone know about these types of marks? SE Iowa last week/month or so. Pharmer
It's gotta be mountain lions! PC stands for Puma Cougar.

My best guess is that there is a right of way or easement. I have rural water lines crossing my property and I am pretty sure they are referenced in the abstract. Can you check your abstract to see if there are any utility easements or anything like that?

Other than that, you may be able to ask someone at the extension office for Van Buren County. And if all that doesn't help... well then I am sure it is mountain lions!
Actually, I am the guilty culprit. I was told when scouting new ground in Van Buren county you had to reserve the tree in which you would like to sit in next year. Let me know if this is going to be a problem.
Yours truly,

Pat Cady
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