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Hello from way up north...I have a question about treestands. I'm going to be baiting black bears in the next couple weeks and need another treestand. Our selections at the sporting goods stores up here is limited and nobody really knows much about them because they aren't widely used up here except to bait black bears. I have a budget and am not looking for the mack daddy of all stands. I found one from Cabelas...the Cabelas SS Lounger for 89.99. Have any of you used this stand before? It's primarily for my wife. It looks more comfortable than your average stand that makes you sit straight up against the tree so I think she would be happier with it when she has to spend the night in the tree when we have a grizzly come into the bait.
Any pros and cons toward it that you can see?
It does seem a little on the heavy side for a lock on, but it appears that it should do the job. Anyone? Thank you very much.
It does seem a little on the heavy side for a lock on, but it appears that it should do the job. Anyone? Thank you very much.