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treestand placement

killer buck

we put up our trailcam 20 yards away from standing corn feild on a deer trail .Picked it up a week later and there was 12 pics but 11 of them had nothin and one had a buck that we couldnt make out because of a bush. Do you think we should put a stand there our not???????????
For when, if it's for your 1st of October hunt, MAYBE this is saying that they are not using it right now. Could it get super good as time goes on, say November? Perhaps.

So many elements like, when do they cut the corn, will there be food there, is there alot of food elsewhere (early season I'd prefer alf-alfa/clover over corn BUT corn can still be good, especially the cover element). FOR ME, the biggest element there is- how good is the timber it's next to, is there naturally alot of deer in the area of the stand, is there bedding and security right there?

Depends on WHEN you are planning on hunting it, how the area changes AND how good the timber & cover is - to sum up my thoughts. Have you ever hunted the area or possible stand location before? Does there seem like there is heavy deer traffic there even though the trail cam didn't reveal anything? If there's massive trails and tons of deer sign, I'd ignore the lack of trail cam results, if you consistently don't see heavy deer sign and you have no evidence there's major buck travel, well, you answered your own question.

More info!?!?! /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
well theres a creek about 30 yards to the side of it and a corn field 30 yards to the other side, in front of it theres about 30 acres of timber and theres deer trails all around
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