Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company




I'M thinking about purchasing a Treesuit and I would like the imput you all have on using it. Both pros and Cons. I currently have an API climber that I really enjoy. Do I really need a tree suit? Can I use it in trees that have branches? I will be using it for Bow hunting. Thanks
The treesuite is not a necessity but can be very valuable in the right situations. Some use it exclusively with great results - I use it when I need to get in quite, especially in the mornings and when conventional treestand setups won't work (they are really nice when packing in for elk too).

- Very Quite and fast
- It's Very, very safe!
- Easy to hang
- hangs in places where other treestands won't work

- can be more restrictive than a regular stand
- comfort, although the new model very comfortable it doesn't quite match up to a big fixed position with a padded seat, backrest and foot rest.
- practice, you have to do a bit more practice setting one up and shooting out of it
- explaining to your wife why you had to get yet another treestand

Anyone else? Patrick, I know you've had some sucess in the past.
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