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Trent's 1st (and 2nd) Squirrel


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My 5 year old son, Trent, got his 1st squirrel this afternoon. He spotted it by himself and made a 50 yard shot with iron sights on the .22 rifle.

He is very proud of his accomplishment. He couldn't wait for me to post this.

Re: Trent's 1st Squirrel

that sounds like an awesome shot! Hunting squirrels with an open sighted 22 is a ton of fun, and definately can be challenging.
Re: Trent's 1st Squirrel

That a boy Trent...probably saved Dad a chewed shed this year!
Re: Trent's 1st Squirrel

Watch it Trent, your paw will quit given you your allowance if you keep out shootn him.

The 'Bonker
Re: Trent's 1st Squirrel

He did it again! Before church, he spots a squirrel sitting on a branch below the house. In his church clothes he made a 25 yard shot with his .22. 1st thing he said was, "I saved another shed didn't I Daddy!"

Re: Trent's 1st Squirrel

Wow what a shot buddy! Looks like theres no stopping you now.Reminds me of a time my dad was in a full suit before church running in the back yard with a 12 gauge in hand chasing roosters
! Looks like a nice light load in a muzzleloader isn't to far on the horizon!!!!
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