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Trespassing to the max...

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Well-Known Member
Alright, so y'know how I'm managing this new place? I've seen over 30 people on the place in the last 2 DAYS. :mad: :thrwrck: This will need a lot of work!

I didn't say a word to them as I was putting up the no hunting, fishing, and trespassing signs. Let's say the green van and old blue POS got out of there in a hurry.

Looks like they have permission too?

It's my Fathers and Cousins ground 720 acres that has just gotten out of control.

None of these people have permission, my cousin lives in Colorado and has yet to get a call about hunting or fishing. I believe somebody did call him about duck hunting last year though.


Almost ran into the beauty! Somebody put barb wire across the place the day after I started cutting trees down there.
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You need to prosecute everyone one you catch now that the signs are up or nothing will ever change. Ass chewings mean nothing except a good laugh. Your won't make friends with the poachers/etc but that is not what you want anyways.

Be vigilant and you are right it will take a lot of work and time to get the point across.
Please update as all landowners need info that works. We may be in the same position and need advise on how to stop it now..
I think I will also sue them in civil court....hit em in the pocket book. You know... prospective advantage...tortous interferance???? Gotta be some vamps...oh sorry attorneys on here?
You need to prosecute everyone one you catch now that the signs are up or nothing will ever change. Ass chewings mean nothing except a good laugh.

On the asschewing front....

I had people tell me ten years after the fact about how I berated one trespasser they knew. I rode him like a rented mule. ;)

Word gets out..... :way:

But my advice is to let the law handle it.
I've sent certified letters to all neighboring landowners notifying them that ALL trespassers will be prosecuted no exceptions. My state requires a warning prior to ticket so I try to knock that out immediately with the letter.
I've sent certified letters to all neighboring landowners notifying them that ALL trespassers will be prosecuted no exceptions. My state requires a warning prior to ticket so I try to knock that out immediately with the letter.

Boy u must be a pleasure to live next to.
Same kind of thing happened to one of my best friends..they have a pond behind his parents house.. they let someone fish there, then that person started bringing someone, then those people started bringimg other people etc., all without permission. My friend and his old man went down to the pond one fathers day to fish and there were like 3 groups of people there they didnt even know minus the person whom originally had permission. Those kind of people ruin it for everyone
Same kind of thing happened to one of my best friends..they have a pond behind his parents house.. they let someone fish there, then that person started bringing someone, then those people started bringimg other people etc., all without permission. My friend and his old man went down to the pond one fathers day to fish and there were like 3 groups of people there they didnt even know minus the person whom originally had permission. Those kind of people ruin it for everyone

I got permission to hunt a property last year and that was the cautionary tale. The landowner had gotten burned in the past in a similar way.

I told them that I would not tell others it was OK to hunt there without asking. I have permission again this year. :way:
Scott said:
Boy u must be a pleasure to live next to.

It's all in how you explain things. Explaining previous issues and the requirement to be uniform across the board is understandable by most. You also need to visit with people prior to sending that information so they understand why. When you tell them its the direction of the DNR it makes sense.
BrewCrew said:
My thoughts exactly.

I hunt the majority of their land and its because I watch over it for them which they greatly appreciate. Most of the hunter neighbors are all instep and managing their property as well.

Very few issues occur and it's because everyone knows we don't mess around. The trespassers now gravitate to the lenient neighbors as opposed to us.
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