Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

TRX Capitalizes


New Member
Finally I get my post up.Well,Friday afternoon I was sitting with my cousin decideing where to hunt and was going to go to a stand and meet him later that night.He asked if I just wanted to go with him and we would sit together in a bowl with a creek bed running through it.I said ok so off we went.We got into our stands and we were actually only about 100 yards apart but sitting on opposite sides of the bowl as to catch anything coming from the east or west.Started out having a spike come in and mull around by me for a while,then about 15 minutes later I caught movement on the other side of the creek about 60 yards out and it was a decent buck.My cousin had been rattling and quit before the buck came in so the buck started moving off to the east away from me.I was trying to get my cousins attention to keep rattling but he didn't see me.Well,about 10 minutes of the deer being gone I was a little bummed but then all of a sudden here he comes back down the creek.He gets about 60 yards out and I am thinking,"man,what can I do to drag him in here?"He wasn't with a doe so I took my Tinks 69 and poured some on my boots.He stopped almost immediatley and put his nose in the air,so I blew once in my grunt tube and here he comes.Now it gets really interesting.He is on the other side of the creek and goes to cross RIGHT UNDER ME IN THE CREEK!I am thinking,"Freakin A."He gets in the creek and I draw,but I had my fleece full head mask on and the nosepiece moved over and I can't even see my peep.So I had to let up with the buck still directly below me in the creek but the bank is cut out so all I see is his rack.I let up and reached up and pulled my mask up as he is coming out of the creek in a ravine.Now I go to draw again and when I get drawn he looks up right at me but he is standing behind a pile of multiflower rose so no shot.He is now staring at my stupid *** sitting there with my face completley uncovered.I am thinking,"he is gonna bolt any second."But he doesn't,he finally takes an extra step out behind the roses and I drilled him.He ran right towards my cousin and dropped halfway between us.11 point with kicker and nice eye guard hooking out.His left brow tine shoots kinds straight back.Not the biggest but an unusual rack and I am VERY happy with him......
Great job, TRX. That is a cool looking rack. Won't be too long and your boy will be bringing down deer like that. What's the story with that other buck in the truck ? Looks like a darn nice one.
Camoman-That is actually my shotgun deer from last year.I had a guy who was going to European mount it but after sitting all summer and fall the bugs didn't hardly clean it off at all so I picked it up and am going to try it myself along with the one I shot in the pic.
Hey TRX I think he is a very nice deer! Espically since he has a one of a kind rack> Very cool.
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