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Tuning Broadheads


Well-Known Member
So I have been having some issues tuning my broadheads and wanted to see if anyone could be of some help. My bow is paper tuned and shooting target tips really good, great groupings out to 40 yards. However, I slapped the broadheads on and everything went wacky, most of the arrows flying 4in. right of target tips shot side by side. I started playing with the broadheads, aligning them with my feathers and such, and it got a little better, but I am still not there. I am shooting a 100gr. three blade head with Beaman 400 ICS hunters with a 6 degree offset fletch. Can anyone see anything that may be throwing me off. Also, I am shooting a whisker biscuit.

The most important key that I have found is making sure that there is no wobble in the head/ arrow when you spin it on your finger. I make sure that all of mine are spinning smooth. In each batch I find a few arrows and a few heads that will not spin smooth. They get set to the side.

Paper tuned the other night, then went through my spinning ritual, shot my Muzzys out to 50 yard and shot same as field tips. Works for me. I used to align my heads with the feathers but no longer do and havent noticed a difference. Good Luck!
I used to spin my heads on fy finger till that caused me to bleed all over new carpet. Now I pound 4 nails into a 2x4 to make 2 Xs then lay the arrow in the crotchs. Then spin the arrow and look for any wobble.
Thanks for the tips, tried a few things including switching up to some other arrows I had (Carbon Express). Broadheads are shooting identical to the field tips now, so a few more weeks of shooting to keep up the consistency and I am ready to arrow one.

Bowman, are you shooting 3 or 4 blades? I've been told the four blades shoot more consistently. I'm about due to buy some new muzzy's and I'm trying to decided between the 3 or 4 blade, hundred grains...
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