biggest buck
Active Member
Last week my buddies and I went to Monowi Nebraska to hunt some Merriam gobblers. On the first day one of my buddies had packed his gear and began walking out after sitting for a few hours. As he was walking he heard the distinct sound of a turkey off in the distance. He turns and sees a gobbler up in a tree, and a coyote sitting at the base of the tree waiting, wishing he had been a little quicker and caught his dinner before he flew up! My buddy crawled to within 40 yds and waited the tom out. Boom, one gobbler down the first day! My other buddy took his gobbler the second morning. Unfortunately I dont have any pics of them. I took my father on his first Merriam hunt in hopes he would be able to fill his tag. As some of you may recall he suffered a massive stroke 4 years ago and hasn't been able to do much as he lost use of his right side. This year I decided to give it a try! I bought him a 10 gauge right before he had his stroke so it had never been fired until I sighted it in before the trip. Put a nice red dot scope on it for him and got some shooting sticks. This wasnt an easy task for either of us, as I had to be able to drive to a spot and get him, the blind and all the gear unloaded and set up, drive out and walk back to the set up. The second morning I got him set up on a bean field overlooking the Missouri river basin just a few miles north of the 1 person town of Monowi. About an hour after light I see 11 heads pop up over the edge of the ridge onto the beans. I ready dad and his cannon, the group of birds is now 10 yds away with 4 strutters! As I plug my ears waiting for the cannon to go BOOM, I see dad aiming but not pulling the trigger. I whisper, shoot shoot shoot! As the birds walk on by dad pulls the gun down and says I couldnt find the red dot in the scope. Ugh. The birds worked their way out to about 500 yds feeding, then after about 45 minutes begin working their way back toward us, but held up about 100 yds away. I touched my trusty old slate a couple times and peaked the interest of one longbeard. He works his way to within 40 yds and before I know it I hear the thunderous roar of the big ten. Dads face showed excitement as though he had tipped one over, then as I look out the window I see the wounded gobbler hobbling toward the top of the ridge, and take flight.
This ended our hunt. It was a fun time being with my mentor out doing the things he taught growing up. I've missed those days afield and will definitely cherish this hunt forever!
Along the way to our spot I see this old time Jail in Verdel, Nebraska and thought it was pretty cool!
This ended our hunt. It was a fun time being with my mentor out doing the things he taught growing up. I've missed those days afield and will definitely cherish this hunt forever!
Along the way to our spot I see this old time Jail in Verdel, Nebraska and thought it was pretty cool!