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Turkey hunting question


PMA Member
Short story - I'm asking if anyone would be willing to give up/help out with a turkey "honey hole" around the Cedar Rapids/IC area?

Longer story - I teach HS biology and I have a timid young man in my class who was asking about hunting and some of the things I do in my free time. He is what is considered "at risk." His dad is not around and his mom is single...

Upon finishing his test the other day, I asked him if he'd ever like to go hunting if we could make it work. He was very excited to say the least...so we're trying to get his grades up and walk through the hoops to possibly get out turkey hunting.

We'd be able to get him a youth tag before his b'day on April 21 (he's 15 now). I was hoping to get him out to at least hear some gobbles and see if we couldn't get him a shot at a bird. I think it would make a huge difference in his life to be honest...

I don't have a "slam dunk" spot to make this happen. My spots are hit and miss (not to mention bow only). I'd love for him to have a great first experience and get excited about possibly doing this in the future.

Anyway, if you have any ideas or would be willing to help, please send me a PM and we can get some details ironed out. Thanks in advance - I hope this works out. Things like this can be a practical way to help change a life...

Wow. If you both were in Arizona, I would gladly take you to my sweet spots. Good luck and I hope someone steps up!
My Girlfriend teaches "at risk" children in Des Moines- its pretty sad to see how some of them just need some guidance and most of the time is the parents or lack there of. Taking him hunting and a little guidance could really help him out!

I have a few places full of turkey but unfortunately they are south of Des Moines an hour or so- good luck finding a spot near Cedar Rapids and keep us posted on this future hunt!
It's a great thing that you're doing Gladiator, this is the type of thing that could have a bigger impact on his life than you'll ever know. Even if he never hunts again you will have made a positive impact in his life.

I can't help you with a hunting spot but I wish you the best in your search. Can't wait to see how this turns out and hear about how the hunt goes.
Glad - I also want to commend you for making this effort, if there was any way I could help I would be glad to do it. I don't have any turkey hunting spots anywhere near Cedar Rapids these days and my own farm is quite a ways away from CR AND the turkey hunting stinks there nowadays. (It used to be awesome and hopefully will be again some day, but right now, bird numbers are WAY down, so it might be a little discouraging for a new hunter there.)

If you aren't getting any bites, let me know, maybe we could jump in the "way back" machine and I could take him to some public ground that I used to hunt 30+ years ago when I lived in CR. :D
I'll give this a bump to the top. I wish I had a killer spot in the area to offer, but I'm about 2 hours away and the spot isn't a slam dunk either.
We have a possibility out there - thanks for the encouraging words everyone. I'm hoping we can jump through the right hoops to get him out there!


I'm just really leery of taking chances on public ground with possible failure and possibly running into many others...
Good luck making this work of Thede. I suspect something will work out and it will happen.
"Honey hole" rules me out, it's been a real struggle lately, probably sour him on hunting in general.
If you can come to Monona county, I can put him on some birds, long ways from CR though.
Let me know if you have a spot! If not I have one for you! It would be up in Clayton County so its a little over an hour north on HWY 13. Got to keep those kids hunting!
If traveling becomes an option let me know. Once the snow melts off some more I will go look around a spot in Allamakee county. I have at least had jakes come in every evening, for the past two years. There are usually pretty good Toms in the area also.
I took one of my special education students hunting with me back in 2011, was my single best day in the stand. Saw 20+ deer and had two shooters within 10 yards. He still talks about that day (has left the school) every time I see him.
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