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Turkeys in the rain


Life Member
Alright turkey experts. What will these turkeys be doing with rain pouring down every morning? My season starts tomorrow and rain is in the forcast.
Any tips for dealing with this?
if the rain ever quits, get your butt on a field edge, thats where they are all gonna head
ive had pretty good luck in light rain on field edges, but once the rain stops man, seems like every bird in the county hits the fields. goodluck
If you have a blind or can take the rain get out there. They don't sit still because of a little weather. Buck Owens smoked a Tom at 6:20AM in the rain. It rained from the moment we stepped out of the truck until the moment we got back in it. We both expected a quiet morning and then they started gobbling. It was brief but gave us hope. We called sparingly and a pair showed up. I hunted another day in a down pore and they came in and if I had a gun that day the boss would have gone down. Go hunting, get wet and have fun. Good luck.
I actually like to hunt birds in the rain, if you know were they are roosted then you can sneak right up to them in the morning. Or any where youve located them but LIV4RUT is definitly right on this situation. Field edges are the key to your success, the hens will be on thier nests early so the toms will be in hot pursuit..
Hit the field edges for sure. During the rain or shortly after the rain stops. Turkey's get nervous in the timber during rain and head for wide open spaces so they can utilize their most important defense mechanism, sight. We heard 4 gobbles from the bachelor pair before flydown than they clamed up. About 30 minutes later they showed up. It's not picture-perfect conditions for a turkey hunt but can be just as productive!
Even though it sucks, i like hunting in a storm and right after the storm has stopped. I shot my biggest Tom in a complete pouring rain and thunderstorm. I like thunder a lot because everytime it thundered the turkeys went crazy gobbling and i could move right up under them and wait for them to fly down right to me. It is a mess, but can be worth it if you do it right. It is amazing listening to the loud thunder and then the shock gobble of all the big Toms around the area. It deffinately sends chills down your spine! Its amazing. another tip is to stay out there a lot longer because the turkeys tend to stay roosted a lot longer than on a normal sunny day. Good Luck!
I have noticed that turkeys will often hang-up in the trees and fly down a little later in the morning when it's raining. They don't like cold and wet conditions any more than we do

I have to disagree with Buck Owens though, in that it's been my experience that turkeys don't mind the timber at all. They might be a bit more vigilant in the woods, then in open fields, and will oft take shelter under evergreens etc. during heavier rains.

Turkey behavior probably depends alot on hunting pressure, and the presence of other predators in the area.

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